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由社會語言學的角度探討日文「~疲勞」的用法(Use of 「~dukare」 vocabulary in Japanese: Viewpoint based on Sociolinguistics)
作者 王敏東李玟霖
2020年橫掃全球的新冠肺炎產生了如「新冠疲勞」、「居家疲勞」等「~疲勞」的新詞。本文探討日文中源自動詞的語素「~疲勞(~dukare)」。主要先蒐得於辭典中立項的31個「~疲勞(~dukare)」,再從《朝日新聞》中蒐得辭典中未立項的173個「~疲勞(~dukare)」,分別討論「~」部分的意義,相當於日本語能力試驗的級數及各個「~疲勞(~dukare)」在報紙中被使用的狀況。結果得知辭典上的語釋無法涵蓋所有的「~疲勞(~dukare)」,「~」的部分大多為日本語能力測驗內的單字,在報紙中常使用的「看護疲勞」、「選舉疲勞」、「育兒疲勞」等反映了日本少子高齡化、民眾普遍對政治、選舉冷漠、日本社會對女性支援的不足等社會現象。 The Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the globe in 2020 led to new vocabulary such as「koronadukare」, 「stay home dukare」 with「~dukare」. This study investigated the morpheme ended with 「dukare」 that were originated from verbs in Japanese. This study first searched and listed all the 31 vocabulary ended with dukare listed in dictionaries and all the un-dictionary-listed 173 vocabulary ended with 「dukare」 in The Asahi Shimbun, then discussed the meanings of all these listed, to which grade of JLPT these listed are equivalent, and how they were used in the newspapers. The results demonstrated that the explanations listed in dictionaries cannot cover all vocabulary ended with「~dukare」, and those with 「~」 principally are involved by the vocabulary in JLPT. The most commonly used「kangodukare」, 「senkyodukare」 and 「ikuzidukare」 in newspapers correspond to the social phenomena of decreasing birthrate and aging population in Japan, of the general ignorance to politics and elections, and of the insufficient supports of Japanese society to females.
起訖頁 170-200
關鍵詞 辭典報紙意義使用狀況日語教育辞書新聞意味使用状況日本語教育dictionarynewspapermeaningusage statusJapanese education
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 202103 (54期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 向田邦子作品的語彙──以隨筆為調查文本(Vocabulary of Kuniko Mukoda's work -- for Essays)




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