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Reinterpreting Inherited Values: Translating The Virtuous Woman in A Woman's Messenger (1912-1931)
作者 闕彩萍
清末民初,無論是中國本土知識分子還是來華佈道的傳教士,都曾大行譯事,配合其改良與啟蒙的嘗試。女學問題更是各家表陳思想主張、發表論戰的重要場域。然而,推行女學之女性傳教士的譯者角色,以及女報之於譯事的作用,此兩問題實有特殊意義,未得充分研究。由廣學會出版的《女鐸》,是主編亮樂月(Miss Laura M. White,1867-1937)闡發其女學主張的重要陣地,通過帶領《女鐸》譯者在翻譯文本中樹立「賢女」形象,亮樂月試圖闡發自己獨到的女性啟蒙觀,固值得研究。本文聚焦亮樂月任內《女鐸》「說部」、「小說」等欄目中的翻譯文本,對上述「賢女」形象在翻譯過程中的形塑作出初探。首先考察《女鐸》發行機構廣學會的創刊初衷,對比歸屬於同一文人圈的林樂知與亮樂月在女性觀念上的異同;其次梳理《女鐸》中的「賢女」形象漸進地在文本中浮出的過程;接著聚焦取材自伯奈特(Frances Hodgson Burnett,1849-1924)與丁尼生(Alfred Tennyson. 1809-1892)作品的譯作,分別細讀「賢女」相關譯本中顯現的「仁」、「貞」、「修身」三個傳統概念,通過考察譯本的人物塑造、情節鋪設及敘事基調,探討《女鐸》譯者如何在翻譯中召喚傳統思想資源,豐滿「賢女」形象的。為論述嚴密起見,本文分析以可證實原文的翻譯文本為主,從文本對照中描摹譯者思維。
Translation, in China at the turn of the twentieth century, has been adopted by many Chinese local intellectuals and missionaries as a pivotal practice to advocate their reform ideas. The role of women missionaries as translators and their female periodicals in the early republican period, however, have been largely understudied. The translations in the early issues of A Woman's Messenger (Nv Duo 18. 19121951) might offer an access to these key issues. Nv Duo was a Christian monthly magazine operated by a small group of American missionaries and their Chinese girl students in missionary schools. Evoking the image of ''xiannü (the virtuous woman)'' in their works, the translators constructed a new type of ideal womanhood embodying a fusion of Confucian moral disciplines and the traits of a modern citizen. The paper begins with an investigation on the historical backdrop of Nv Duo, revealing how Miss Laura White, its first chief editor, founded the periodical while forming her unique view on Chinese women compared to that of other intellectuals among the same literati network I will then examine how the image of ''xiannü (the virtuous woman)'' was gradually substantiated through translations by Miss Laura White and her Chinese students. Through perusing their work primarily translated from Frances Hodgson Bumett (1849-1924) and Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)'s novels, I argue that the translators well-constructed a type of ideal womanhood which went beyond the prevalent political appeal for civil rights. Drawing the concepts of ''ren (benevolence)'', ''Xiao (filial piety)'', and ''zhen (chastity)'' from Confucian moral disciplines in the text, the translators managed to reinterpret those inherited code of ethics in their own way.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 《女鐸》翻譯小說性別話語傳教士民初A Woman's Messengertranslated novelgendered discoursemissionariesEarly Republican China
刊名 外國語文研究  
期數 202010 (31期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院
該期刊-下一篇 解放期小說所反映之「歸返」民族敘事──以「地理性」歸返為例




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