英文摘要 |
The Dutch East India Company (VOC) established a commercial post in Tayouan (An-ping in Tainan city, Taiwan) and thereafter launched a series of nautical investigations. This investigation was accomplished in 1636. After 1637, a new set of investigations on the coast of Xinzhu and the waters off Xiao Liu- qiu were initiated for setting a new course across the Taiwan Strait. The Span- iards were defeated in Jilong in 1642, which led to an examination of the coast of Xinzhu and Miaoli. When the VOC resumed its blockade on Manila, vessels were assigned to Luzon passing by Xiao Liuqiu. During the reoccupation of Jilong in 1664–1668, the VOC vessels sailed around northern Fujian and Zhe- jian province and sailed south along the east coast of Taiwan. The VOC mari- ners had surveyed all waters around Taiwan and pinned down the terminal points for sailing from Taiwan to other shores. Most of those points were still functioning under the later Qing court. |