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Defining the Holy Fool: Differentiation and its Significance in the Question of Stigma
作者 黃明慧
Stigma emerges when the truth is blinded by ignorance. The stigma reveals itself with a given meaning only when it is placed in a relative position to an anticipated normal category. The visibility of a certain distinctiveness can be emphasized as a divine gift which is beyond our general understanding or as a taboo which should be avoided for the benefit of social order. The holy fool in Russia bears a stigma which has been defined in various ways and has been explained as the condition when there is a necessity. The aim of this paper is to initiate a conceptual discourse about the question of abnormality in a society requiring the least differentiation through the study of the holy fool amongst the non-Russian natives of diverse habitus within the Russian Empire in the late nineteenth century. The objective is to take the holy fool as a figure to examine the rules for distinction and to question the issue of different others in an atmosphere where every individual (bearing more or less a stigma) should have his/ her right of survival. Stigma happens in fluid and relative situations. Abnormality may be a threat to the stability of system, but can be an alternative to new invention.
起訖頁 197-234
關鍵詞 聖愚東正教污名異常Holy FoolOrthodox ChurchStigmaAbnormality
刊名 思與言  
期數 202012 (58:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 幾暇清賞:清代乾隆朝的〈是一是二圖〉




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