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Preservation and Reuse of Urban Historic Space: The Example of the Reuse Experience of Taichung Broadcasting Bureau
作者 陳韋伸
This paper investigates the reuse experience of the Taichung Broadcasting Bureau, a historical building in central Taiwan, and presents it as an example for exploring the dilemmas and challenges of the issue of reuse. In addition, the solutions and implementation strategies of this case are also analyzed. The study applied documentary and case analysis methods to discuss the public sector’s policies, administrative measures, and results from the perspective of cultural heritage preservation, in order to provide a basis for the reuse of historic buildings. The reuse of the Broadcasting Bureau immediately faced the issue of local residents disagreeing with the reuse direction, and the Cultural Affairs Bureau thus initiated open dialogue for consensus building. However, faced with a severe lack of funding for the project and a lack of manpower to manage it, the government outsourced operations to private enterprises, so as to utilize their creativity and energy. Due to the bad location of the Broadcasting Bureau, the authorities linked this place to cultural scenic spots by planning periodic cultural walking routes, and a series of urban pedestrian space transformations were completed under a plan called New Urban and Rural Appearance--Participatory Design of Shuangshi Cultural Watershed, which reconstructs the historic and cultural environment at the water source. To conclude, reuse of the Broadcasting Bureau features focuses on the construction of a historic space that is converted into an exhibition and performance space. This benefit of reuse transforms into a force for the sustainable operation of cultural heritage, and extends the concept of reuse to include outdoor space and landscapes. The preservation and reuse process of the Taichung Broadcasting Bureau is a dialogue between history, the urban environment and ommunities, and by revitalizing the cultural heritage and transforming the space, the process finally achieved not only the goal of urban historical space preservation but also that of reuse. Based on the Bureau’s two experiences of outsourcing projects, we have to review whether it is appropriate to have private enterprises manage the reuse of historic buildings as a for-profit premise. Also, it is important to reconsider the purpose and public interest of Cultural Heritage.
起訖頁 33-62
關鍵詞 文化資產保存歷史建築再利用Cultural Heritage PreservationHistorical BuildingReuse
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 2013 (26期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 有形文化資產因應極端氣候衝擊的對策與行動之回顧
該期刊-下一篇 3D掃描技術應用於文化資產之適用性討論




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