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From Mining Heritage to Eco-museum: The Preservation Experience of Jinguashi Settlement and Gold Museum, New Taipei City Government
作者 蔡宗雄
Jin-Jiu (Jinguashi-Jiufen) was an important mining settlement from 1895 to 1987 because of gold extraction but declined as the gold reserves were exhausted. With the award of the Golden Lion to the film City of Sadness at the Venice Film Festival in 1989, Jinguashi and Jiufen settlements gradually came to the attention of outsiders and their fortunes were revived. When the idea of establishing the Gold Museum as first put forward, the local people were strongly supportive of preservation of the settlements because of their unique living space and lifestyle that had developed over a century of gold mining. Taipei County Government (as it was then) coordinated with Taiwan Power Co., and Taiwan Sugar Corp (the land owners) and the museum was built with integrated government resources. The Gold Museum, New Taipei City Government is located in Jinguashi. It was the first museum in Taiwan developed according to the ecomuseum concept. Since officially opening on November 4, 2004, the Gold Museum has faced many preservation and reuse issues and has gradually, over the past eight years, transformed from a museum centered on mining heritage to an ecomuseum.
起訖頁 113-122
關鍵詞 礦業遺產金瓜石生態博物館黃金博物館Mining HeritageJinguashiEcomuseumGold Museum
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201212 (22期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 四把劍的故事──仿青銅器的技術評估




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