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Case Study of Salvage Procedures and Drying Process for the Flood Soaked Books
作者 蔡育林張珊榕羅鴻文
臺灣近年來水災造成多所圖書館淹水及圖書泡水,然而目前泡水圖書乾燥處理之操作案例並不多,本文說明真空冷凍乾燥之處理經驗,以供相關單位參考。 因泡水圖書之後續乾燥處理方式不同,其準備工作及初期緊急處理方式亦不同,故應事先規劃及安排。泡水圖書通常需在人員安全的前提下儘速完成清理及泡水圖書乾燥處理,如無法在短時間完成處理,建議分類整理後以冷凍方式保存,日後再分批以人工乾燥或採用真空冷凍乾燥設備等方式進行乾燥處理。
In recent years numerous floods have caused flood damage to many libraries in Taiwan. However, protocols for dealing with the water-soaked books are lacking in Taiwan. This report demonstrates and describes the experiences of applying the vacuum freeze drying methods on water-soaked books. Because different drying methods usually relate to different pre-treatment procedures, the drying method selected should be determined at the beginning of the disaster; and then, the equipment needed and pre-processing procedures can be set up in the disaster plan. Under the drying methods, the most essential and key procedure in the beginning was cleaning the soaked books and removing the water from the books as soon as possible assuming the safety of the operators can be guaranteed. Nevertheless, if the cleaning and drying procedures could not be accomplished in a short time, we recommended to first transport the water-damaged items to the nearest available freezing facility to freeze and stabilize the damaged items and store at low temperatures ; then, to dry the water-soaked books by the vacuum freeze drying method or other suitable drying methods.
起訖頁 103-116
關鍵詞 乾燥圖書館水災DryingLibraryFlood Disaster
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201206 (20期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 刺繡工藝的傳承與創新──臺灣飛針繡發展策略探討




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