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The Revival and Inheritance of Misahur: Taking Pinaseki Tribe as a Reference
作者 曾麗芬
It is not usual that women play major roles in customs and ceremonies amount the aboriginal tribes and Han society in Taiwan. In the time when people’s staple diet was millet, young ladies of Puyuma tribe would attend the Misahur, a custom which involved weeding for millet, exchanging labors and participating in Muhamud. In this paper, I will use the example of revitalization and inheritance of Misahur in the Pinaseki tribe, and introduce the background, ceremonies, social functions and cultural characteristics of Misahur. In addition I will discuss the transformation of the disappearing Misahur and the effort to adopt this intangible culture heritage by the cultural carrier (the tribe). The dynamic transformation and the adoption process of this intangible culture heritage include the revitalization of the ceremony in its external form and also the revival and creation of the tribe’s inner spiritual order and traditional culture. The whole process not only implies the needs of self-coherence within the tribal members, and recognition and development of the tribe, but also provides the space for self-development of this intangible culture heritage. This example is a good reference for HACH while conserving and promoting the traditional ceremonies of indigenous people.
起訖頁 37-52
關鍵詞 misahurmuhamud卑南族下賓朗部落MisahurMuhamudPuyumaPinaseki Tribe
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201012 (14期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 台、美歷史保存的發展與比較
該期刊-下一篇 沒食子酸酯類抗氧化劑作為環保型木材保存藥劑之潛力




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