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A Study of the Industrial Heritage Regeneration and Preservation: The Case of Hualien Creative Cultural Park
作者 黃龍興
台灣工業發展雖較工業革命發源地英國晚約百年,但較亞洲國家工業化發展仍屬先行,日據時期,日本陸續在台灣興建新式糖廠、酒廠、煙廠等,促發台灣工業發展。多年後,當臺灣邁入後工業城市發展時,這些見證工業發展歷程的工業遺產,常因建築特色較低、負面記憶、地價攀升、產業競爭、生產線調整等被拆毀,成為城市失落的記憶。本文嘗試藉英國鐵橋谷(Ironbridge Gorge)工業遺產再利用案例及相關文獻做探討,並以花蓮創意文化園區為對照,探討仍持續建構中的創意文化園區,應如何利用工業遺產特色,發展出具獨特類型園區,做為台灣未來或正在進行中的工業遺產再利用參考。
Taiwan's industrial development came one hundred years later than that in England, the birthplace of the industrial revolution. During the Japanese colonial period, the sugar, wineries and tobacco factories were built; which compelled industrial development in Taiwan. Compared with the rest area of Asia, Taiwan had an advanced industrial development. However, when Taiwan entered post-industrial period, the industrial development changed and factories were closed. Those sites named Industrial Heritage were ignored and torn down. The article will discuss the historical skeleton and management strategy for industrial heritage using the World Heritage Site of Ironbridge Gorge, England as a reference. It further using this case study to explore the continued development of Creative Park: Hualien Creative Cultural Park. Considering all factors, the author proposes a strategy for the future development of Taiwan's industrial heritage.
起訖頁 67-82
關鍵詞 工業遺產工業考古工業旅遊文化產業園區Industrial HeritageIndustrial ArchaeologyIndustrial TourismCultural Industrial Park
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201006 (12期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 歷史建築再利用之核心價值──紫藤廬的實踐與反思
該期刊-下一篇 世界文化景觀分布落差與努力的方向




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