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Assessment and Research of Disaster Prevention on Potential Factors of Fire Accidents and the Potential Factors on Spreading to the Surroundings of Cultural Heritages
作者 吳文彥 (Wen-Yen Wu)陳啟仁黃英閔
本篇係針對台灣都市計畫、建築、消防及文化資產四大現行法規,於古蹟建築火災預防管理缺失不足之研究。以近年最常發生文化資產火災之中部都會區為調查對象,經逐一調查、訪談、拍照,再以「多元屬性對應分析」(multiple correspondence analysis; MCA)歸類潛在危險地區分析。並以已發生火災之案例作「個案分析」(case study),尋找火災潛藏因子。另經訪談都市計畫、建築、消防、文化資產領域之專家學者後,施作AHP問卷調查尋求經驗權重值而運用於災害評估管理。古蹟建築預防之成效非一昧投入大量消防設施達成,而須由專業之管理人員檢測設施及習慣管理細節防範。國內古蹟建築如廟宇等皆須高度用火用電,但主管機關共同面臨之問題屬特殊法產生無法可管,因此增加火災潛藏因子高發生機率。
By examining Taiwan's existing regulations for urban planning, architecture, fire-fighting, and cultural assets, this study aims to point out the inadequacy of fire control systems for historical heritage. The study area is in the metropolitan area of central Taiwan, where the largest number of fire incidents in cultural heritage assets across the island has been reported. The study was conducted by field investigation, interviews, and photo-survey. Finally, the results were, classified into potentially dangerous zones by multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). A case study is presented of a fire incident to determine the hidden factors causing fires. Upon interviewing 15 experts and scholars from the circles of urban planning, architecture, fire-fighting, and cultural asset preservation, an analysis following the hierarchical process approach (AHP) was performed to define the weight of each factor. The results were specifically aimed to be used in disaster evaluation management. Historical building preservation can not be achieved solely by putting in a large number of fire-fighting facilities. Instead, it is done by professional management personnel examining the facilities and getting used to the routine management details. Historical buildings in the country use a considerable quantity of open flames and electricity. However, the authorities are facing the dilemma that there is no special law to legally control the situation, and thus reduce the factors that trigger the possibilities of a fire incident.
起訖頁 57-74
關鍵詞 減災災害管理Disaster ReductionDisaster Management
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201003 (11期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 唐天壇遺址回填土主要病害、成因分析及擬採用的治理措施
該期刊-下一篇 絹本畫心小托的材料與方法-以「宋人畫彩芝仙」為例




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