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The Effectiveness Analysis of the SEA on Taiwan's Energy Policy: The SEA on Offshore Windfarm Cluster Development Policy
作者 陳潁峰 (Ying-Feng Chen)
To deal with the fragmentation of risk governance based on the environmental impact assessment (EIA), the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) has been widely adopted internationally, which helps laying out the inter-relationships of potential stakeholders and probes the flaws of current regulations in the early stage of policy making. This democratic device enables the evaluation of risks comprehensively and thus prioritization of values during policy-making process. Furthermore, the SEA also applies the concepts of cumulative impacts and prioritization of values to the higher level decision-making process through risk reviews. Due to the recurrent risk disputes accompanied with the promotion of energy transitions in Taiwan, the government adopted the SEA for the third-stage offshore wind farm development policy in 2016. It was the first time that the pre-cautionary SEA was employed on a specific energy policy in Taiwan. After 9-months' examinations of opinions from various parties, the EIA committee concluded several guiding principles for subsequent EIA reviews and future policy formulation. This article applied 6 SEA effectiveness indicators proposed by the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) based on the analysis of the process of the SEA and its impacts on succeeding EIAs. It suggests that this SEA had different attainments at distinct aspects. Among them, "focused" and "iterative" were demonstrated most fruitful, for the SEA helped concretize technology specifications and conservation norms, as well as holding government responsible for establishing long-term local marine databases. Nevertheless, in the aspects of "sustainability-led," "integrative," "accountable," and "participative," the concealment of risks in the SEA seemed to exist and hence further legal reforms may be needed to achieve more satisfactory results. This study concludes, while the SEA in this case improved policy-planning and created prospects for learning, it was still constrained by the existing EIA institutional structure. Despite the severe lack of elements of democracy resulted in unsatisfactory outcomes, the evolution, however, showed similar patterns as the practices of international SEAs. Since the SEA and the EIA serve different goals, this article proposes several procedures conducted by international SEAs for future reforms. The SEA requires more comprehensive employment of institutionalized devices of democracy to operate beyond EIA, which merely focuses on scientific reviews, and to elevate the government's capacity in governance and policy implementation during phases of preliminary planning, in-process evaluating, and pipe-end regulations.
起訖頁 159-204
關鍵詞 政策環評環境影響評估能源轉型離岸風電能源政策strategic environmental assessmentenvironmental impacts assessmentenergy transitionoffshore wind powerenergy policy
刊名 行政暨政策學報  
期數 202106 (72期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-上一篇 直接民主與代議民主的融合:瑞士與德國公民投票制度的探討




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