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Syncretism and Development-The Example of Ritual Change in Taiwanese Folk Religion
作者 張家麟
古老的華人民間信仰儀式仍然存在於現代科技昌明的臺灣島上,乍看之下這是自然而然歷史發展的結果,但是如果仔細探究可能另有蹊蹺,它可能是華人祖先或當代宗教領袖的人為智慧選擇。筆者揣測華人傳統民間信仰中的宗教儀式移植到臺灣後,它即受臺灣地區的歷史、價值體系與社會的所構成的「文化架構」(cultural framework)影響,與之「交融」而產生儀式內涵上的變化。它如果能與本地社會適應「交融」,就能夠在此地生存與發展;反之,如適應「交融」不良,儀式就可能萎縮,甚至被現代社會淘汰而死亡。因此,它像是具有生命的個體,嵌「文化架構」中努力的吸取養分。筆者想用「宗教融合主義」的概念對此現象進一步探究,運用參與觀察法與深度訪談法蒐集民間信仰中的扶鸞、收驚、禮斗、聖誕、祭祖、叩問與點燈儀式,將之與過去文獻及研究成果進行比對與檢證(verify),藉此理解民間信仰儀式是否存在融合主義的現象。本文就是在此問題意識下開展,企圖探索下列幾個具體問題,並尋求對它們合理的詮釋:1.當代臺灣民間信仰儀式融合現象的具體「樣貌」(pattern)與意涵為何?2.此樣貌與臺灣社會哪些主流價值體系或社會需求緊密結合?3.此宗教儀式融合現象又帶來哪些影響?希望在此問題引導下,能夠澄清當代臺灣地區廟宇宗教儀式融合現象及其影響。
The ancient Folk-beliefs rituals of Chinese still exist in the contemporary, well-technology-developed society in Taiwan. People view the condition as the result of natural history development; however, if we do a deep research on it, it will turn out to be the outcome of wise choice made by ancient Chinese or religious leader of the time. First, the writer assumed that the traditional religious rituals of Chinese Folk-beliefs, after which were transplant into Taiwan, were influenced by cultural framework which was constructed from history, value system and society in Taiwan; furthermore, the integration between the rituals and cultural framework resulted in the change within inner meaning of rituals. If the Chinese religious rituals could well syncretize with local society, it would subsist and develop in that area; contrarily, it would shrink, fade, and be eliminated by the contemporary society. Therefore, Chinese religious rituals are live substances absorbing nutrients in the culture framework. In addition, the writer used the concept of syncretism of religion to research into these phenomena further; meanwhile, adopted the participant observation and depth interview to collect data of Folk-beliefs rituals such as ”flying phoenix”, ”spirit comfort”, ”star worship”, ”god's birth”, ”ancestors memorial”, ”request to god”, and ”lamp lighting”; moreover, compared the phenomena with former theories and study result to verify it. In conclusion, the study was designed to probe for three questions and search reasonable interpretations for them. First, what are the concrete pattern and inner meaning of syncretism of folk-beliefs rituals in Taiwan? Second, which major value system or social needs are linked up with this pattern? Third, what are the influences produced by syncretism of religious rituals?
起訖頁 75-106
關鍵詞 syncretism of religionreligious ritual changeFolk-beliefsreligious development
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 201012 (9:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 宗教經驗與其可理解性之追求
該期刊-下一篇 清末民初民間教派「三教融合」經典詮釋策略芻議




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