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Causation in Insurance Law
作者 劉振鯤
The causation is the most basic and difficult problem in the law. Especially in insurance law, not only discussing the connection between cause and effect, but also discussed insurance perils, which will increase the difficulty to make decision. In other words, the cause of the damage was an insurance perils? Or excepted perils? It will affect the insurer’s payment responsibilities. Furthermore, the causation of insurance law is different between single and multiple. If the result of damage is caused by a single cause, it maybe easy to judge the causation. The insurer shall be responsible for the damage caused by the insurance perils; if the damage is caused by the excepted perils, the insurer shall not be liable. However, in multiple causal relationships, if an insured perils and an excepted perils are combined to produce damage, this situation is called“the concurrent causation”Should the insurer make claims in accordance with the insurance contract? Furthermore, in order to reduce the liability in advance, can the insurer stipulate in the insurance contract in advance that when the phenomenon of“the concurrent causation”occurs, the insurer shall not be liable? This kind of clause is the“anti-concurrent causation clauses”. When American courts faced the difficult problems of“the concurrent causation”and“anti-concurrent causation clauses”in insurance litigation disputes, the courts of various states did not agree with each other, causing many disputes, and scholars had insightful discussions on this. Although the terms of“the concurrent causation”and“anti-concurrent causation clauses”have not been seen in the practice of courts in Taiwan, in fact, the phenomenon of“the concurrent causation”and“anti-concurrent causation clauses”already exist in insurance lawsuits. The handling experience of the American courts and academic discussions can be used as a reference for studying the causality in insurance law.
起訖頁 63-91
關鍵詞 因果關係近因原則併存因果關係反併存因果關係條款CausalityProximate CauseThe Concurrent CausationAnti-Concurrent Causation Clause
刊名 商業法律與財金期刊  
期數 202012 (3 :1期)
出版單位 台灣金融法律學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用馬可夫鏈模型探討台灣保險公司之企業營運週期
該期刊-下一篇 犯罪沒收與虛擬貨幣之保全扣押初探




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