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Legal and Economic Analysis of Compulsory Licensingof Medicine Patents:From Coase Theorem to Moral Hazard of Calabresi
作者 簡陳由
藥品專利強制授權係藥品專利保護之例外規定,屬藥品專利限制機制之一;其宗旨乃調和藥品專利保護之私益與公眾健康權之公益。本文運用法律經濟分析之理論與方法,以Coase定理(Coase theorem)之交易成本、成本效益分析、賽局理論等,與Calabresi道德成本之概念,檢視藥品專利強制授權之必要性。藉以探究在現行制度之外,保障強度是否有上升之趨勢,以及是否有其他法律經濟學之方式,可促使社會經濟與公衛資源的使用配置減少衝突,使社會上每一個交易方之權益受損與成本降到最低,同時,省思藥品專利強制授權與人民財產權間之衝突關係,並追求私益及公益之均衡兩難。
Compulsory authorization of pharmaceutical patents is an exceptional regulation to the legal protection of patents. Its purpose is to reconcile the private benefits of drug patent protection with the public welfare of public health. For exploring the necessity of compulsory licensing of pharmaceutical patents, this article uses the theory and method of legal economic analysis. Examining the transaction cost and Cost-benefit analysis of Coase theorem, Game Theory, and the compensation which government gives to the patent owners for compulsory authorization, etc. This article eplore whether there is an upward trend in the protection of Compulsory authorization of pharmaceutical patents, Use law and economics to reduce conflicts between social economy and the use of public health resources. At the same time, consider the conflicting relationship between the compulsory authorization of pharmaceutical patents and people’s property rights, and pursue the dilemma of a balance between private interests and public welfare.
起訖頁 93-113
關鍵詞 藥品專利強制授權Coase定理賽局理論Calabresi道德成本Coase TheoremCompulsory License of Pharmaceutical PatentGame TheoryMoral Hazard of Calabresi
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202009 (3:2期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-上一篇 租賃住宅市場發展及管理條例適用問題之初探-以公證人審查為視角




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