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Research on Improving the Processing Quality and Shelf Period of Sugar Apple (Annona squamoa L. cv. Da-Mo) by Non-thermal High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing Technology
作者 柯志寧徐源泰吳思節
大目釋迦(Annona squamosa L. cv. Da-Mo)為臺灣特有且重要的番荔枝經濟栽培品種,由於採後易軟熟而不耐貯藏運輸,且加熱後會產生苦味,而使不論鮮食或加工利用都受到嚴重限制。本研究採用新興的高靜水壓非熱加工技術,能製成避免加熱後產生的苦味,且最大可能的保留了原有的風味品質與營養成分,開創了大目釋迦更多的利用與價值。大目釋迦果泥以4種條件高壓600 MPa處理,與傳統熱處理90°C加熱10分鐘比較,探討對酵素活性、機能性成分和抗氧化能力的影響、貯藏過程中總生菌數、酵素活性和色澤的變化。多酚氧化酶經4種不同條件反覆高壓處理後皆可使活性低於3%;過氧化酶活性下降65%,近似熱處理的效果;蔗糖中性轉化酶經重複高壓處理後仍保留活性,可促進蔗糖轉換為葡萄糖和果糖。在成分分析方面,反覆高壓處理相較於對照組及熱處理,可保留或提高總酚、類黃酮和維生素C含量及抗氧化能力,顯示其具有避免熱破壞,亦可增加成分釋放的效果。在4°C下3週貯藏過程中,重複高壓處理之果泥生菌數符合食品安全衛生標準;高壓處理雖無法完全抑制多酚氧化酶和過氧化酶活性,但能避免貯藏過程中的色澤劣化。
Da-Mo sugar apple (Annona squamosa L. cv. Da-Mo) is a unique and important economic fruit variety in Taiwan. It ripens and softens quickly after harvest, and therefore is not durable for storage and transportation. In addition, it produces a bitter taste after heat treatment, which limits its processing and application. This research adopts the emerging high hydrostatic pressure non-thermal processing technology, which can avoid the heat-induced bitter taste and retain the original flavor and nutrients to the greatest possible extent, creating more use and value of Da-Mo sugar apples. Da-Mo sugar apple fruit puree was treated under 4 conditions at a high pressure of 600 MPa. Compared with the traditional heat treatment at 90°C for 10 minutes, the effect on enzyme activity, functional components and antioxidant capacity, total bacterial count, as well as the change of color during storage was studied. The activity of polyphenol oxidase could become lower than 3% after repeated high-pressure treatment under 4 different conditions; the activity of peroxidase decreased by 65%, which was similar to the effect of heat treatment; the sucrose neutral invertase still retained its activity after repeated high-pressure treatment helped the conversion of sucrose to glucose and fructose. Compared with the heat treatment control group, repeated high-pressure treatment could retain or increase the content of total phenols, flavonoids, vitamin C, and antioxidant capacity, showing that it had the effect of thermal damage and the increase of components release. During storage at 4°C for 3 weeks, the bacteria count in the fruit puree after repeated high-pressure treatment met food safety and sanitation standards. Although high-pressure treatment could not completely inhibit the activities of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase, it could avoid color deterioration during storage.
起訖頁 129-140
關鍵詞 反覆高壓處理大目釋迦多酚氧化酶過氧化酶repeated high pressure processing‘Da-Mo’ sugar applepolyphenol oxidaseperoxidase
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 202009 (66:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 地面立柱式追日型光伏板下萵苣栽培評估
該期刊-下一篇 乾燥型態與溫度對牛蒡茶泡飲成分溶出之影響




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