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On-site Testing Laboratory for Photovoltaic Module
作者 吳尚錏吳登峻李思賢彭成瑜
太陽光電測試實驗室為符合TAF ISO/IEC 17025:2017認證項目,本論文將工研院量測中心的室內測試實驗室能量,擴展至移動式設施之非固定地點服務,檢測戶外太陽光電案場的太陽光電模組產品,建立行動測試實驗室的遊測技術,在太陽光電案場提供模組產品之現地檢測服務,其中戶外行動測試實驗室期許符合測試領域遊測技術規範(TAF CNLA T20)。遊測技術具有高機動性,行動測試實驗室朝向符合三項IEC 61215:2021檢測項目(4.1目視檢查、4.2最大功率測定、4.3絕緣測試)及二項影像檢測服務(IEC 62446-3紅外線熱影像測試之作業程序、IEC 60904電致發光測試之作業程序),遊測技術主要運用於案場的抽樣行為,提供竣工驗收、例行檢查、風災與估價盤點用途,行動太陽光電測試實驗室直接在案場檢測,有省去工人拆卸、減少搬運損失、降低運送成本之優勢。遊測技術包含方法的選用、查證及確證,論文將針對室內測試實驗室與戶外遊測技術做技術指引,包含設備或操作流程、方法或設施要求的環境條件、試驗件或校正件的處理,促使行動太陽光電測試實驗室成為國內首見的遊測移動式設施。
The Center for Measurement Standards of ITRI is going to expand the indoor testing laboratory to on-site testing service of non-fixed location of mobile facilities according to accreditation photovoltaic program for testing laboratory of TAF ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The mobile laboratory with on-site testing is developed to the inspections of photovoltaic module product in the outdoor field. The service will approach the on-site testing with 3-items IEC 61215:2021 of 4.1-4.3 (TAF CNLA T20) and 2-items image-detection services with the standard testing procedures of thermographic inspection of IEC 62446-3 and electroluminescence inspection of IEC 60904-13. The on-site testing with high mobility can be implemented by sampling check, check on delivery, routine inspection and valuation inventory purposes. The On-site inspection has the benefits of saving workers from disassembly, reducing handling losses, and decreasing transportation costs. The technical comparison between outdoor on-site testing and indoor testing laboratory represents the operation and guideline for method selection, verification and validation, including the operating procedures of equipment, the environmental conditions of testing and the handling of test pieces and calibration pieces. The on-site photovoltaic testing laboratory with high mobility is becoming the first mobile testing facility in Taiwan.
起訖頁 96-109
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 202106 (227期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 雷射表面改質技術於感測器平面熱元件製作




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