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Application and Practice of Multi-Interactive Teaching Combined with Self-Directed and Cooperative Learning in a Research Methodology Course
作者 蘇美禎
Research methodology is abstract to and difficult to comprehend by beginners. According to the researcher's experience in teaching research methodology, some students expressed that research methodology is all Greek to them and that conventional teaching methods can barely excite their learning interest. In this study, participants comprised 55 freshmen completing the 2-year practicum program of the Department of Nursing in the 2018 academic year. The single-group pretest-posttest design was adopted as the research method. A multi-interactive teaching model was used to design a research methodology course with respect to lessons such as research design, sampling, reliability and validity of research instruments, and writing and criticism of research processes. Self-directed learning and cooperative learning were employed as the foundation combined with the use of real-time feedback system Zuvio, game-based learning platform Kahoot, and LINE groups to assist teaching. Group discussion, group reports, semester scores, questionnaire surveys, teaching assessment, and qualitative data were used to assess students' learning effectiveness. The results of questionnaire responses revealed that students' self-directed learning abilities and cooperative learning attitudes significantly increased following the implementation of multi-interactive teaching. Analysis results of qualitative feedback revealed that the students believed that ''multi-interactive teaching enhanced learning motivation,'' ''online discussion based on LINE groups helped clarify problems,'' ''real-time feedback enabled absorption and comprehension of real-time assessment,'' and ''learning research methodology was useful and helped establish a sense of achievement.'' Compared with the average semester scores of the students who received conventional teaching in the preceding academic year, those of the students who received multiinteractive teaching were significantly higher. In addition, the average scores on the end-of-semester teaching evaluation by students who received multiinteractive teaching were significantly higher than those by students who received conventional teaching. Overall, the multi-interactive teaching model could create a flexible scenario for learning research methodology to enhance nursing students' learning motivation, self-directed learning abilities, and cooperative learning attitudes.
起訖頁 79-124
關鍵詞 合作學習多元互動式教學自我導向學習遊戲導向學習線上討論cooperative learningmulti-interactive teachingself-directed learninggame-based learningonline discussion
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202103 (4:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 案例教學法在四技兒科護理學的發展與應用




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