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Comparison of residents' perspective toward the importance of community forest among different community types in Indonesia
作者 Rospita Odorlina P. Situmorang (Rospita Odorlina P. Situmorang)Tian-Ming Yen (Tian-Ming Yen)
森林生態系可提供不同類型的生態服務,在印度尼西亞所推行不同類型的社區林業計畫對森林所提供生態服務的期待也可能有所不同。本研究的目的旨在(1)建立印度尼西亞社區林業的基本資料,(2)瞭解社區居民對社區森林重要性的看法,及(3)比較不同類型社區居民對森林重要性的看法。本研究採用問卷調查方式,訪問位於印度尼西亞北蘇門答臘省,執行社區林業計畫的四個不同類型社區,調查期間為2019年7月9日至8月24日,共獲186家庭成員的問卷。本研究採用14項森林價值的重要性提供社區居民填答,採用變方分析(analyses of variance)和最小顯著差異(least significant difference)法檢測各項森林價值在社區間的差異性。所得之結果顯示計有11項森林價值在社區間具有顯著性差異,3項森林價值不具顯著性差異。不具顯著性差異的森林價值包括:“社區森林可以提供手工藝品材料來源”、“社區森林可以提供文化服務”、“我可以到森林從事遊憩和放鬆”。四種社區類型中,Persamot Community Group和Mandiri Community Enterprise Cooperative的居民對於森林提供木材、食物、肉類、飼料原料,具較高的分數,而Jangga Dolok Community和Mekar Community的居民於森林提供水資源、旅遊、防止洪水和乾旱、邊坡防護、生物多樣性保護、減緩氣候變遷,具較高的分數。本研究所得之結果將可提供社區林業重要的資訊。
Forest ecosystem provides multiple ecological services that their importance might be perceived differently to the various community types implementing Community Forest (CF) program in Indonesia. The purpose of the study was to (1) establish a foundational information for CF in Indonesia; (2) understand residents' perspective toward the importance of community forest; and (3) compare residents' perspective among different community types. This study was conducted from 12th July 2019 to 24th August 2019 through questionnaire survey administered to 186 family members of four communities implemented CF program in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The importance of 14 forest values for different community types were examined through analyses of variance (ANOVA) and least significant difference (LSD) method, respectively. These results showed that 11 forest values were significantly different while 3 forest values were not significantly different among the different communities. The insignificant items included ''Community forest provides handicraft materials'', ''Community forest provides materials for cultural services'', and ''I go to forests to do recreation/relaxation activities''. Persamot Community Group and Mandiri Community Enterprise Cooperative perceived highly the importance of timber, food, meat, and fodder material from forest, while Jangga Dolok Community and Mekar Community valued highly the importance of water resources, tourism value, flood and drought prevention, landslide prevention, biodiversity protection, and climate change mitigation of forest value to the local people on their villages.
起訖頁 81-96
關鍵詞 社區類型社區森林森林價值community typescommunity forestforest values
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 202106 (43:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 社區參與式森林療癒:解析花蓮大農大富平地森林園區之療癒活動規劃架構
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣都市林種植原生樹種之現況與展望




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