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The Development of Pili International Multimedia Company in the Age of Globalization from the Perspective of Intellectual Property Management (2014-2020)
作者 謝筱玫張鰲騰陳思縈
本文以IP產業經營的視角切入,討論霹靂企業的發展實踐,論述範圍聚焦於霹靂二○一四年股票上櫃至今的發展:二○一五年推出3D布袋戲電影《奇人密碼—古羅布之謎》;二○一六年與日本合作推出奇幻布袋戲劇集《Thunderbolt Fantasy東離劍遊紀》,在臺、日、中、美等網路平台串流播出;二○一九年更將昔日經典霹靂劇集加以精煉,重製為《霹靂英雄戰紀之刀說異數》,並與國際影音串流平台Netflix合作上映。伴隨著霹靂一個又一個耗資上億的大膽措舉,也可以看出其布局全球的野心。論文以近年霹靂面對全球化的因應之道,分三點加以論述:(1)拍攝電影,試圖以電影的形式進軍國際;(2)跨國合作,借用日本的動漫人才與網絡,拓展海外市場版圖;(3)整理改編舊作,翻新IP價值。在IP概念與其產業經濟尚未獲關注時,霹靂即在「一源多用、跨界創新」方面佈署耕耘,自一九八○年代末即開始創造豐富的霹靂武俠世界,以及眾多迷人的英雄人物,成為其重要資產。霹靂的IP經營歷程足供臺灣文創產業及其研究者參考。
This paper looks at the development of Pili Multimedia Company from the perspective of IP (Intellectual Property) management, particularly focusing on Pili's development since it became a listed company on the stock market in 2014. Since then, it has launched a series of major events: the release of the 3D puppetry film The Arti: The Adventure Begins in 2015, the release of Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword Travels in the East in 2016, a collaboration with Japanese companies and simulcast by various online platforms in Taiwan, Japan, China and the United States, and the remaking of classical Pili stories into mini-series Pili Fantasy: War of Dragons and having it broadcast on Netflix in 2019. Each investment cost Pili billions of NT dollars and reveals the company's ambition to reach foreign markets. The paper discusses how Pili has responded to globalization in three aspects: 1. Making films to reach out to international spectators; 2. Collaborating with Japanese talents in animation and comics to expand its foreign market; 3. Retelling the stories of Pili heroes and polishing the Pili Universe to recreate the values of its IP. At a time when the concept of IP and its economics had not yet received attention, Pili worked on business diversification and renovation. It has created an immense wuxia world and a variety of charming heroic characters since the late 1980s, which have become its important assets. The experience of Pili's IP management serves as an example for the cultural and creative industry and its researchers in Taiwan.
起訖頁 113-139
關鍵詞 IP產業文化創意產業霹靂布袋戲東離劍遊紀Intellectual Property Industrycultural and creative industryPilipuppetryThunderbolt Fantasy
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 202107 (28期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 什麼是Epic I?:一個對《小說理論》,《現代戲劇理論》,《後戲劇劇場》研究架構的重新審視
該期刊-下一篇 抗戰時期陝甘寧邊區的新秧歌、廟會與傳統文化




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