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Hold the heart of consumers in the epidemic - A study on the experience of staying in Farglory Hotel and the customer satisfaction
作者 陳清河
COVID-19疫情對全球的觀光住宿產業,幾乎是全面的掗傷。所幸台灣自疫情爆發以來因著邊境防疫有成,以致於人們於國內仍然能夠正常的生活。但是於2021年5月中旬本土疫情爆發,直接掐住因著國民旅遊而致能夠慘澹經營的住宿業。很快的隨著全台升級三級防疫,紛紛歇業。本文採訪了於疫情二度爆發前後前往花蓮遠雄悅來大飯店進行度假的消費者,以消費者的角度帶出疫情期間,他們經由個案飯店對疫情的迅速回應,而感受到的安全感與服務品質。並因此而提升再度消費的意願。本文以訪談法進行,得出兩項研究成果。a. 迅速回應疫情變化帶給消費者安心的感受b. 與市區隔離的地理環境於疫情中成為優勢
The outbreak of COVID-19 has damaged the global tourism and accommodation industry. Fortunately, Taiwan has been so successful in border vaccination since the outbreak that people can still live a normal life in the country. But an outbreak in mid-May 2021 has directly choked the accommodation industry, which could barely operate because of national tourism. Soon with the upgrading of the whole Taiwan three-level epidemic prevention, those tourism industries have closed down. This article interviewed consumers who went to Farglory Hotel in Hualien for vacation before and after the outbreak. Moreover, the investigation brought out the consumer's point of view about how they felt a sense of security and service quality through the rapid response to the outbreak through the case hotel, and then increased the willingness to consume again. In this paper, two research results are obtained by interview method.a. Quickly responding in the outbreak of epidemic has made consumers feel at ease. b. The geographical environment isolated from urban areas is an advantage in outbreaks of epidemic.
起訖頁 187-196
關鍵詞 消費者滿意度新冠肺炎疫情遠雄悅來大飯店實體服務consumer satisfactionthe outbreak of COVID-19Farglory Hotelphysical services
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202106 (9:1期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 特色民宿行銷策略之研究──以金門地區古厝民宿為例
該期刊-下一篇 中高齡族群參與進香團之動機、幸福感、忠誠度研究




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