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A brief discussion of the collection of Xiu Xuan Ya Ji and The Fen-Rhyme Poems of Hwa-Kang Xi-Collection
作者 林正三
Shangsi Xiuxu is a folklore activity in China since ancient times. In the 9th year of Emperor Mu Yonghe (353 A. D.), the literati who traveled South in Eastern Jin Dynasty held an elegant gathering at the Lanting Pavilion in Shanyin, Zhejiang. Since then, literati continued to have the activities of composing poems in Shangsi. However, when it comes to the number of participants, the completeness of genres, the scale of the activity, and the dura tion of time span, these could not be compared with the the grand recitation of the 325 characters in Xizhi Wang's ''Lanting Preface'' when a mobilization of all members of Chinese Institute of Poetics had been called into action from 1973 to 1975. Afterwards, The Institute compiled all the poems into ''The Fen-Rhyme Poems of Hwa-Kang Xi-Collection.'' This article is a general introduction to Shangsi Xiuxu Yaji and ''The Fen-Rhyme Poems of Hwa-Kang Xi-Collection.''
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 上巳古典詩分韻詩華岡禊集Shangsiclassical poetryFen-Rhyme PoemsHwa-Kang Xi-Collection
刊名 東海大學圖書館館刊  
期數 202107 (58期)
出版單位 東海大學圖書館
該期刊-下一篇 喚醒百年前輕便且甜蜜的美好記憶──日治時期大臺中地區輕便鐵道漢詩研究




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