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The Garden Imagery and the Aesthetics Applications of Li Yu's ''Along the River During Winter's First Snow''
作者 朱衣仙
This article investigated how Li Yu's novel of ''First snow along the river'' intertextualizes with Lu Xun's novel ''In the upper floor of a bistro''. It is noticed that, instead of being ''gazed'' by the ''abandoned garden'' like Liu Da-ren, which may represent the hometown/fatherland/China, described in Lu Xun's novel, Li Yu also gaze-back at the fatherland to criticize its aesthetic guidance provided by Mao in 1942 and China's social development from then on. This paper argues that the narrator of this novel constantly gaze the garden in the hotel and depict the scenery in detail, in addition to express her opinion toward her fatherland, also shows her ideal ''landscape'' combining the classic poetic China in her memory and the realistic ''vulgar China'' she experienced in her visit during the Cultural Revolution period. Li Yu's discovery and production of this scenery can be interpreted as an intention to provide her fatherland in finding new direction some feasible suggestions.
起訖頁 117-146
關鍵詞 〈在酒樓上〉文革文人園林風景的生產On the upper floor of a bistro''literati landscape paintingliterati garden''discovery of landscape''
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 202106 (41期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從語用觀點論〈東遊六十四日隨筆〉的人物互動──合作原則與禮貌原則




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