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'Adventure in the Classroom'' : The Effectiveness of Adventure Education on Team Cohesion and Life Efficiency among College Students
作者 洪煌佳 (Huang-Chia Hung)
"探索教育活動的實施往往成本高昂,考量過去研究採用戶外冒險活動來增進參與者的效益,其所需成本較高也非一般制式學校教育可以承擔。因而,本研究透過「課堂冒險」(adventure in the classroom, AITC)模式,以探討大學生在課程中參與探索教育對團隊凝聚力與生活效能的影響。方法:研究方法以前實驗設計針對107學年度第一學期修習探索教育課程的學生進行活動介入,並進行團隊凝聚力與生活效能的3次測驗,分別在活動實施前實施第1次測驗、實施後第6週進行第2次測驗,及活動實施第12週進行第3次測驗,測驗變項為團隊凝聚力與生活效能,在扣除填答問卷不完整、退出學習、樣本流失等學生後獲得有效樣本38份。所得資料透過描述統計、單因子重複量數變異數分析及實務顯著性來瞭解自變項對依變項的影響力。結果:大學生參與探索教育活動後6週,對團隊凝聚力(F=35.63, p<.05)、情緒控制(F=6.27, p<.05)、成就動機(F=3.28, p<.05)即有顯著影響,而經過12週則對時間管理(F=11.84, p<.05)及社交領導(F = 7.18, p<.05)有顯著影響。結論:採用課堂冒險(AITC)模式進行探索教育活動實施能有效提升大學生的團隊凝聚力,且探索教育活動實施能有效提升大學生的時間管理、情緒控制、成就動機、社交領導等生活效能。此一活動所具有的經濟性與有效性的檢證具有重要意義,並可以作為參與者邁向戶外冒險課程的重要前置經驗。"
Introduction: The previous outdoor adventure education that enhanced the participant effectiveness is not affordable for general school education. This study adopted the ''adventure in the classroom'' (AITC) model to explore the influences of team cohesion and life productivity among college students by the curriculum of adventure education. The contribution of the study is to verify the effects of adventure education in the classroom and encourage the practitioners of adventure education to innovate a new operational model for cost effectiveness instead of the cost of currently expensive outdoor adventure education. Methods: A pre-and post-test experimental design was conducted in the first semester of the 107th academic year to explore the curriculum of adventure education, and three time surveys were conducted at the 1st, the 6th, and the 12th weeks (beginning, midterm, and final of the semester). A total of 38 valid samples were obtained beside incomplete questionnaires, withdrawals from study, and sample loss. The data were analyzed to understand the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable by descriptive statistics, repeated measured ANOVA, and practical significance. Results: There were significant effects after 6 weeks among college students who participated in the curriculum of adventure education, such as team cohesion (F=35.63, p<.05), emotional control (F=6.27, p<.05), and achievement motivation (F=3.28, p<.05). Furthermore, there were significant effects on time management (F=11.84, p<.05) and social leadership (F=7.18, p<.05). Conclusion: The study found that the AITC model of adventure education can effectively enhance the team cohesion and improve the life management among college students such as time management, emotional control, achievement motivation, and social leadership. This verification of the effectiveness of curriculum of adventure education being the same as outdoor adventure education is of great importance and can serve as an important pre-curriculum for participants to move towards outdoor adventure courses. Only in this way can participants get the best safety care and learning experience.
起訖頁 31-47
關鍵詞 課堂冒險冒險活動時間管理AITCoutdoor adventure activitiestime management
刊名 人文社會科學研究:教育類  
期數 202103 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-上一篇 虛擬運動與心生理訊號在運動環境心理學的應用
該期刊-下一篇 青少年生氣情緒表達、幽默感與幸福感之相關研究




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