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The Aesthetics of ''Hope for Dying in the War'' and ''Human Bomb'': The Development of the ''Bushido'' Literature in the Late Qing Dynasty
作者 朱芯儀
In the late Qing Dynasty, the exchanges between Japan and China were diverse and complex. This article will take the late Qing Dynasty translated novel, ''Record of Lushun Combat - a Human Bomb'', which is full of the spirit of Japanese Bushido as the starting point, as well as discussing other novels containing Bushido spirit, including ''Application and Farewell'', ''Pray for Dying in the War'', ''Long Live the Army, Long Live Empire'', ''The Future of the China War'' and ''Broken Novel'', to excavate the transformation of ''Bushido'' in the narrative methods as the Bushido spirit spreads from Japan to China. For example, the novels esteem the spirit of ''Hope for Dying in the War'' - the spirit of ''sacrifice'' and seeing death as the only way for warriors in every war; or the novel contains a lot of scenes of death and blood, as well as the burst of artillery shells on the battlefield, the damaging of human bodies, and the sounds of impact, which are the aesthetics of the human bombs, and have very high literary meanings. In addition, when China selected and absorbed ''Bushido'', it applied its characteristics to the conscription works, and re-given the meaning of ''Chinese Bushido''.
起訖頁 131-176
關鍵詞 武士道《肉彈》祈戰死晚清小說中國武士道Bushidohuman bombpray for dying in the warlate Qing Dynasty novelChinese Bushido
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 202106 (18:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 批判大數據現象:全球媒體與科技巨頭壟斷市場的危機
該期刊-下一篇 歷史比較,比較歷史:試論重新檢視印度與中國數學案例的必要




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