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Journey of the Sangleys and Their Goods between Taiwan and Manila (1626-1662): A Study of Documents from Spanish Accounting Books
作者 方真真
從1626年西班牙人佔領雞籠起,因北臺灣資源有限,當地的駐軍與人員便需仰賴馬尼拉政府派員載物的援助,而筆者從西班牙印地安斯檔案館(AGI)所蒐集到的Contaduría檔案,找到這方面的帳簿,內含華人往返兩地的資訊。本文主要運用1626至1662年間與臺灣有關的帳簿,來探討下面問題:(1)西班牙人佔領北臺灣期間派往北臺灣的華人、混血華人及其所從事的行業為何?(2)運往北臺灣的物品,有哪些是跟馬尼拉當地華人所購買?(3)從北臺灣前往馬尼拉貿易的華商有哪些人?(4)1642年以後隨著西班牙人離開北臺灣,往返臺灣與馬尼拉的華商有誰?本文指出,西班牙人佔領北臺灣期間派往當地的華人有駕駛中式帆船的領航員和船員,以及建造北臺灣要塞的華人石匠、磚瓦工、鋸工和木匠,其中有些人知其姓名。其次,有三位華商被派到北臺灣援助,但真正抵達的只有Rufu及其叔父的舢舨。為了與北臺灣的閩南商人溝通,馬尼拉政府派遣混血華人通事Pablo Pacheco和Francisco Hernándes前往當地。從其他西班牙史料得知混血華人通事Matheo de Vera y Pedro和華人醫生曾在北臺灣服務。菲島的西班牙政府不僅在北臺灣的征服與基礎建設仰賴華人,在經濟生活上也很仰賴華人,許多運往北臺灣的食品、日常用品是向馬尼拉當地華人購買,而澗內華人長官及某些行業的華人頭人是貨品的主要提供者。從1630年起約有九位華商從北臺灣前往馬尼拉貿易,但貿易量有限。到了1642年西班牙人退出北臺灣以後,更少見華商往返臺灣與馬尼拉貿易,其路線從雞籠轉到大員,在帳簿僅見1650年代有Chapsaqua、Quianco及Yocsay三位華商。
Ever since the Spanish took over Keelung in 1626, the soldiers and officers stationed in northern Taiwan had had to rely on aid from Manila due to limited local resources. On the basis of documents from the accounting office of the General Archive of the Indies of Seville, this paper analyzes records related to Taiwan from 1626 to 1662, which detail people, including the Sangleys (mestizo), and their goods sent by the government of Manila to northern Taiwan. The analyses reveal the following. Firstly, the people sent included Sangley pilots and sailors sailing the junks, as well as stonemasons, bricklayers, sawyers and carpenters for building forts in northern Taiwan. Among the Sangleys with names recorded were Rufu and his uncle who were merchants, Pablo Pacheco and Francisco Hernándes who served as interpreters for communicating with Fujian merchants. Secondly, the Spanish government at Manila depended much on the Sangleys during their occupation of northern Taiwan and the supplies sent, such as daily necessities and food, were mostly bought from Sangley traders in Manila, including the Sangley governor of the Parian. Thirdly, after 1630, around nine Sangley merchants went from northern Taiwan to Manila for trade, although their trading volumes were rather limited. Fourthly, after the Spanish withdrew from northern Taiwan in 1642, few Sangley merchants continued trading between Taiwan and Manila. Only three names, Chapsaqua, Quianco and Yocsay, were mentioned in documents of the 1650s. Moreover, the trade route changed from Keelung in northern Taiwan to Tayguan in southern Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 臺灣馬尼拉華人十七世紀西班牙帳簿TaiwanManilaSangleys17th CenturySpanish Accounting Books
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 202106 (28:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 荷蘭時代臺灣砂糖的生產與貿易




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