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Corporate Responsibility and Environmental Risk Communication: Content Analysis & Rhetoric Analysis of Environmental Message on Corporate Websites
作者 楊意菁
From the perspective of corporate risk communication, this study explored the corporate websites how to communicate the environmental message and social responsibility information. A total of 447 corporate websites in 2016 were content analyzed. The study found that 278 corporate websites presented the environment message. Corporate websites liked to present the theme of ''climate change'' of environmental message. The stakeholder mainly mentioned in the environmental message was ''Employee''. The background colors of corporate websites were based on green and blue. Most of corporate websites were able to illustrate the ''has done'' message of corporate environmental protection behavior. The rhetoric analysis pointed out that commercial rhetoric is no longer the main discourse on corporate websites. Corporate websites liked to use ''numbers'' & ''evidence'' rhetoric, ''advocacy'' rhetoric, and ''competition'' rhetoric to show their active behavior of protecting environment. Corporate websites adopted the color symbols to reflect the Utopia narrative of ''seeing is believing'', and also used the ''sustainability'' and ''mission'' rhetoric to construct corporate environmental responsibility.
起訖頁 59-98
關鍵詞 企業環境溝通企業網站企業社會責任環境保護修辭語藝corporate environmental communicationcorporate websitescorporate social responsibilityenvironmental protectionrhetoric analysis
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 202101 (40期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣科學社群對部落格的想像:同儕交流的延伸、公眾溝通的未滿
該期刊-下一篇 網路媒體的基改食品建構:消息來源、科學證據與立場的比較




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