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資訊與管理科學 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

作者 陳志達
現今空氣汙染的問題漸趨嚴重,使得空氣汙染議題再度引發各國關注,對於空氣中各種汙染物足以傷害人體的健康與動植物的生長影響愈來愈嚴重,尤其是空氣汙染物中的懸浮微粒(PM10)、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、臭氧(O3)等,除了對呼吸道及肺部造成最直接的傷害,還有可能對其他的器官機能造成嚴重傷害等問題,因此空氣品質的問題已漸漸被受到重視;由於空氣品質資訊網站數量眾多,多數監測空氣品質的資訊網站都有提供空氣品質指標(AQI)等數據,但每個網站所提供的空氣品質數據資料量多且繁雜,導致無法讓使用者快速、有效找尋到所需的空氣品質資訊。本研究搭配網路爬蟲(Web Crawler)與語意網(Semantic Web)技術為主,將原本於網際網路中過去的空氣品質資料整理為空氣品質本體,藉由知識本體的配合,將新資訊剖析後,提供給一般使用者相關知識查詢與資訊參考,能夠讓使用者方便快速且準確的得到即時空氣品質資訊,系統將建置語意查詢功能,可分析使用者輸入的查詢語句,配合系統內建的空氣品質知識本體資料庫,可將符合使用者查詢之空氣品質相關預防資訊回饋給使用者,藉此達到人性化的問答功能,提升獲取空汙資訊的可靠性與準確度,若空氣品質數值達到預警通知條件,系統便會發出預警通知提供給線上使用者,讓使用者出門在外活動,應隨時做好相關的預防措施。
The problems of air pollution are becoming more and more serious, so that the issue of air pollution raising the concern of all countries. The effects of various pollutants in the air harms the health of human body and the growth of animals and plants are becoming more and more serious. The suspended particulates in air pollutants(PM10), fine suspended particles(PM2.5), ozone (O3), etc; caused the most direct damage to the respiratory tract and lungs. There may be serious damages to other organs. The air quality problem gets more attention, so there are many websites provide much complex air quality data, resulting in the inability to get the air quality data quickly and effectively for most users. We will design a AQI retrieval system based on Web Crawler and Semantic Web technologies. The air quality data of history is transformed into air quality ontology, and the new air data is analyzed according to the cooperation of ontology knowledge. All users can retrieve real-time air quality information and the system will build semantic query function. The system will analyze the statement that user input. With the system built-in of the air quality ontology, users can check the related air prevention information and the reasonable and accurate information will send back to the user. The system also provide Q & A function and to enhance the availability of air pollution information reliability and accuracy. If the air quality value touch the dangerous condition, the system will issue an early warning notice to the online users, so that users should always prepare the relevant preventive measures for outside activities.
起訖頁 35-58
關鍵詞 空氣品質指標網路爬蟲語意網知識本體語意查詢AQIWeb CrawlerSemantic WebOntologyemantic Query
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 202012 (13:2期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 以機器學習知識圖譜提供域學習徑
該期刊-下一篇 顧客知覺價值、滿意度與忠誠度關係模式之研究




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