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諮商心理與復健諮商學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Preliminary Study of the Therapeutic Factors of Open Mandated Batterer Treatment Program and the Transformative Processes of Male Batterers' Stopping-violence under the Influences of this Program
作者 鄭青玫 (Ching-Mei Cheng)蕭文 (Wen Hsiao)黃瑛琪
本研究旨在了解男性婚暴者參與處遇團體之療效因素與停止暴力轉化歷程,以歷程質性研究設計,對兩位研究對象進行隔週訪談的資料蒐集。研究發現:一、 療效因素為十三類,此結果再以認知、情緒、行為、領導向度為潛在歸類架構,療效因素依次數多寡結果,依序是認知、情緒、行為和領導向度。二、療效因素隨團體階段發展呈現增加現象。三、 停止暴力類別可分為三大類,依出現次數多寡依序是認知、行為和情緒轉化;僅一位研究對象出現情緒轉化。四、轉化歷程特性(一)經驗較多團體療效因素者,也出現較多停止暴力的正向轉化。(二)注意與面對問題成為轉化的起始特徵;關係需求(核心信念)選定人生方向是帶動改變的積極力量;擴大知覺、建構解決幫助承擔施暴責任;直接、間接介入高危險互動模式對短期停止暴力轉化有正向助益;整個停止暴力轉化歷程,評估得失一直扮演重要的角色。據此,研究者對婚暴強制處遇團體工作及未來研究提出具體建議。
The research aims to investigate the therapeutic factors of mandated batterer treatment program and the transformative processes of stopping-violence under the influences of this program. By means of the qualitative analysis, the data were collected from the interviews with two interviewees every other week and the findings are as follows:1. The therapeutic factors are classified into 13 categories. With the findings, we analyze them further according to the four dimensions of cognition, emotion, behavior, and leadership as the potential classifying structures. The ranking of therapeutic factors in frequency sequence is cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and the leadership dimension.2. The therapeutic factors are increasing through the phase development of treatment.3. The factors of stopping-violence could be classified into three structures in appearing frequency sequence: the transformation of cognition, behavior, and emotion. However, only one research target shows the transformation of emotion structure. 4. The characteristics of the transformative process(A) The research targets with more experiences of the therapeutic factors mainly show the positive transformation of stopping-violence.(B) Noticing and facing the problems is the beginning characteristic of transformation.The need for relations (core beliefs) is the positive power to push the change. Dilating one's perception and searching for solution help one take the responsibility to stop violence and avoid the high-risk interaction pattern. Moreover, the evaluation plays a crucial role in the whole process of stopping violence.According to these findings, the researcher make recommendations and implications for the open mandated batterer treatment program and future research.
起訖頁 7-63
關鍵詞 婚暴強制處遇團體療效因素轉化歷程marital violencemandated treatment programtherapeutic factorstransformative process
刊名 諮商心理與復健諮商學報  
期數 201305 (25期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所
該期刊-下一篇 台灣人愛情風格量表再修訂--以大學生族群為本




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