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A Case Study of Digital Preservation by Motion Capture of a Guān Jiāng Shǒu Performance From Xīnzhuang De Záng An Temple
作者 許允聖凃鈺芳陳麗娥
新莊地藏庵大眾廟的「官將首」,係由傳統子弟社俊賢堂組織而成的非職業性陣頭,操演者畫臉扮演增損將軍、引路童子、虎爺等神將,每年僅在俗稱新莊大拜拜的「新莊地藏庵文武大眾爺祭典」中出陣操演,隨同文武大眾老爺進行日巡暗訪的遶境活動,擔負驅除邪煞壯盛威儀之任務。其出陣獨有的「喊班」儀式流程嚴謹,走位變化都有特殊意義,在宗教與民間表演藝術上都是富含特色且亟待保存記錄之典範。數位時代來臨,科技已成為文化資產保存的重要知識與工具。動作捕捉技術(Motion Capture)能感測物體在空間中的類比運動,記錄為準確自然的數位動作資訊。相較過去民間傳統表演藝術透過師承演示相傳、抽象的文字敘述,或二度空間的圖像與影片記錄方式相比,三度空間的數位動作資訊,可以更全方位的展示動作表演的時間與空間特徵。本研究運用動作捕捉技術採集新莊地藏庵頭前庄官將首陣頭的展演動作,數位化為三維動作資訊,並實地參與該團訓練及出軍現場紀錄,全方位記錄官將首陣式展演的精髓,最後透過虛擬實境(VR)與擴增實境(AR)展示成果,為一跨宗教民俗、表演藝術與數位科技的跨領域整合應用,並期能以此計畫經驗分享,提供未來表演藝術類無形文化資產數位保存與加值應用之參考。
This paper describes an interdisciplinary integrated project that includes religious folklore, performing arts, and digital technology, sponsored by the Bureau of Cultural Heritage (BOCH), Ministry of Culture, Taiwan in 2018. The subject of the study is the documentation of a Guān Jiāng Shǒu (Leader Generals官將首) performance at Xīnzhuang De Záng An Temple (新莊地藏庵), an intangible cultural heritage in Taiwanese traditional“Chên T’ou”performing arts. The performance was recorded as 3D digital information using optical motion capture as primary documentation. Digital technology has now become an important tool for the preservation of cultural heritage. Motion capture technology can record analog motion as digital data. Used in the traditional performing arts, it can accurately record realistic action information. Compared with traditional abstract text, 2D images or video records, 3D digital action information can be a better all-round record of the characteristics of stage performances and lends itself to scientific analysis of data. Motion capture is more conducive to the digitization of intangible cultural assets for preservation, learning, interactive performances and other purposes.
起訖頁 27-49
關鍵詞 無形文化資產動作捕捉數位化官將首民俗陣頭Intangible Cultural HeritageMotion CaptureDigitizationGuān Jiāng ShǒuFestival Parade
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 202003 (51期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 傳統建築土墼牆與編竹夾泥牆泥土材料成分分析方法之建構
該期刊-下一篇 論國際公約與臺海兩岸水下文化遺產管轄權之相關法律規定




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