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3D Digital Modeling for Outdoor Cultural Artifact Conservation - Example of the Door Gods mounted on the North Gate of the Old Fongshan City Wall
作者 張舜孔王伯仁林雅娟林逸琇
本研究旨於探討運用3D建模技術紀錄室外文物外觀時,作業環境、電源、供應及環境光源等現場條件對建構3D模型之影響,本研究選用市面上常見的攝影測量軟體Photoscan、關節臂式掃描儀HEXAGON ROMER Absolute Arm、手持式3D掃描儀Mantis F6及Artec Eva分別對鳳山縣舊城北門泥塑門神進行3D模型建構,分析不同建模技術應用於室外文物建模所需之工作時間及作業困難性,並針對各建模技術產出之3D模型的尺寸準確度、解析度及色彩差異程度進行比較。結果顯示不同建模技術所建構之3D模型其尺寸並無太大差異性,但3D模型的外觀色彩則受環境光源、影響甚為劇烈。
This study aims to explore the influence of field conditions, such as working environment, power supply and ambient light source on the construction of 3D models when using 3D modeling technology to record the appearance of outdoor artifacts. Four 3D digital modeling techniques, including Photogrammetry (Photoscan), Articulated arm scanner (HEXAGON ROMER Absolute Arm), and two handheld 3D scanners (Mantis F6 and Artec Eva), were employed in this study to construct 3D models of the Door Gods mounted on the North Gate of the Old Fongshan City Wall. The study then analyzed the working time and difficulty of different modeling techniques used and compared the dimensional accuracy, resolution and color difference of 3D models produced by each modeling technology. The results show that the 3D models constructed using different modeling techniques do not show much difference in size, but the color of the resulting 3D model is greatly affected by the ambient light source.
起訖頁 31-57
關鍵詞 3D建模攝影測量手持式3D掃描儀3D Digital modelingPhotogrammetryHandheld 3D scanner
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201912 (50期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣當前推動文化資產信託業務的幾點芻議
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣世界記憶國家名錄推動計畫及其執行概況




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