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The Current State of Research and Future Prospects of the National Wanshan Petroglyph Group Site
作者 顏廷伃
萬山岩雕群考古遺址,位於高雄市茂林區濁口溪上游,為1978年高業榮先生根據當時就讀於屏東師院的萬山村青年呂一平、范熾欽口述進行調查而廣泛見諸於世,為臺灣目前發現之唯一一處岩雕遺址。由於其地處偏僻、進入不易,相關研究進展較為緩慢;但也因其所處自然環境特殊,使得該遺址持續有遭受自然與人為破壞的疑慮。本文就歷年來與萬山岩雕相關的調查與研究狀況進行說明,並根據筆者分別於2012、2016年以來的研究計畫成果進行討論。大抵而言,就TKM4 -大軋拉烏(Dakarau)遺址周邊IV-1石板屋進行地表考古學清理的結果,顯示其測定年代經校正後為距今520-470年前,而其後針對同一遺址的研究,與岩雕相關文化層的年代,更可早至距今1300年左右,初步對於金屬器時代中晚期活動於岩雕遺址的人群活動有了初步的認識。而其他相關民族學與圖像學的研究,則顯示至歷史時期岩雕遺址分布區域可能與排灣群、尤其魯凱族下三社群中的萬山社較為相關。除此之外,在綜合岩雕遺址周邊自然地理環境、溫溼度、岩石學以及岩石表面刻紋圖像的保存狀況調查結果,初步提出未來的保存維護策略與研究展望。
The Wanshan Petroglyph Group site is located in the upper reaches of Zhuokou River in Maolin district, Kaohsiung City, and is the only petroglyph site currently known in Taiwan. It was discovered by Gao Ye-rong according to the testimony of the Wanshan youths Lu Yi- ping and Fan Chi-qin who studied at Pingtung Teachers College in 1978. Because of its remote location and difficult accessibility, the research progress on this site has been slow. In addition, because of its special natural environment, the site continues to suffer from natural and man-made deterioration. In this paper, the investigations and research status related to the Wanshan Petroglyph Group site over past years is interpreted, based on the results of two research projects in 2012 and 2016. In the near term, the results of surface archaeological investigation of the slate house around the TKM4 site, shows that it dates from about 520-470 years ago, and is about 1300 years ago in its early age during the later period of the Iron Age. Other related ethnology and iconology studies show that the distribution area of the Petroglyph Group site in the historical period may be related to the Paiwan group, especially the Wanshan village of Rukai. In addition, after a comprehensive survey of the natural geographical environment, temperature and humidity, petrology and the preservation condition of the petroglyph on rock surfaces, the future preservation and maintenance strategy and research prospects are proposed.
起訖頁 7-26
關鍵詞 國定考古遺址岩石藝術岩雕文化資產高雄市茂林區National archaeological siteRock artPetroglyphCultural heritageMaolin districtKaohsiung City
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201909 (49期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣水文化資產系統研究初探




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