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The Beginning of Cultural Heritage Conservation Plans: A Review of James Kerr's“Conservation Plan: A Guide to the Preparation of Conservation Plans for Places of European Cultural Significance”
作者 榮芳杰 (Fang-Jay Rong)
Taiwan’s cultural heritage preservation has faced great challenges in the past few years, of which the management and maintenance work is one of the most important matters. However, it rarely attracts attention and discussion among domestic academics. When we view a domain in any part of the cultural heritage field from a value-based perspective, theoretically each domain should have its own unique value-keeping principle, or an adaptive strategy when facing threats. The process of facing the“shifting”domains is an important management and maintenance matter that all cultural heritage domains should face, and we should be more serious and strict regarding this challenge in the management system. This paper provides a critique and guide to reading the book“Conservation Plan: a guide to the preparation of conservation plans for places of European cultural significance”, written in the 1980s by James Semple Kerr (1932-2014). The book was translated into Traditional Chinese in 2017 by Book Spring, creating the opportunity for Taiwan to be more proactive when considering the management and maintenance of cultural heritage from the perspective of shifting domains management. The content of this book not only can provide great reference for many countries all over the globe, but it is also a good model for Taiwan’s monument maintenance mangers and organizations.
起訖頁 93-105
關鍵詞 維護計畫管理價值維護計畫ConservationPlanManagementValueConservation planJames Semple Kerr
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201712 (42期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣早期日式木質機械掛鐘之研究與修復
該期刊-下一篇 似曾相識──臺灣文化遺產海外交流展




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