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The Transformation Project of Industrial Heritage - A Case of the 5th Brewery Factory of Tobacco and Alcohol Bureau in Taiwan
作者 施國隆
In Taiwan, previous industries were crucial to the economy. However, the impact of globalization and changes in management philosophy has caused factories to close in some areas, and this situation has brought problems to urban development. Therefore, how to preserve, reuse and also establish management mechanism for industrial sites and old buildings have become a crucial issue in our country. Taichung cultural and creative park (former Taichung Old Brewery) is one of the five major parks that are managed by the Ministry of Culture. It is a place which combines a cultural heritage incubator with creative experiment laboratories. This paper first explores the connotation of industrial heritage and also analyses the development, position and management of this park in the process of its preservation and reuse. Then, it looks at the various demands of activities and equipment management within the park and how to develop intelligent strategies for management to achieve effectiveness in the exploitation of this resource. Finally, through the former discussion, we can demonstrate the effectiveness of heritage reuse in Taichung cultural and creative park that may provide a reference for other industrial heritage.
起訖頁 35-54
關鍵詞 工業遺產臺中舊酒廠修復及再利用臺中文化創意產業園區Industrial HeritageTaichung Old BreweryRestoration and ReuseTaichung Cultural and Creative Park
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201706 (40期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 國立故宮博物院藏〈西清續鑑鏡匣〉之研究與修復
該期刊-下一篇 近景攝影測量於古蹟、歷史建築之數位化運用與推廣




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