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A preliminary study on image-based 3D modeling for the application of underwater archaeology
作者 郭芯瑜詹鈞評饒見有陳政宏
Underwater archaeology is an essential part of cultural heritage preservation and historical study. However, current recording methods for digital archiving mostly use 2D static pictures or video. They lack 3D visualization and measurement functionalities and cannot provide a 3D spatial concept and quantization data to a researcher who cannot enter the water. Conversely, image-based 3D reconstruction technology can offer an interactive photo-realistic 3D model and measurable spatial information that is beneficial to underwater archaeological study. Thus, the goal of this preliminary study is to evaluate its capability for underwater cultural heritage 3D model reconstruction. Due to the fact that the underwater environment is different to that on land, the level of difficulty for acquiring photographs is higher when under the water. The quality of image and reconstructed 3D model will therefore be affected by several environmental factors, such as illumination, water flow speed, suspended matter, turbidity, etc. For the purposes of reducing these and related factors, during this investigation of underwater 3D model reconstruction, this preliminary study adopted an indoor towing tank as the test environment. We simulated cultural heritage targets for 3D model reconstruction using rocks and mental-frames at the bottom of towing tank. The major tasks include underwater camera calibration and accuracy analysis. Here we present 3D model reconstruction procedure for underwater environment and discuss its feasibility for underwater archaeology. Experimental results demonstrate that the lens’focal length was changed according to the water's refractive index, i.e. 1.33, and the absolute error for the reconstructed 3D model was less than 1cm, which is sufficient for the requirement of underwater archaeology.
起訖頁 9-25
關鍵詞 攝影測量三維仿真模型重建相機率定精度分析PhotogrammetryPhoto-realistic 3D model reconstructionCamera calibrationAccuracy analysis
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201609 (37期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
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