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Some Investigations on the Rev. G. L. Mackay's Nineteenth Century house in Tamsu
作者 曾尹君張崑振
Vernacular residences where historic figures lived for a prolonged period reflect evidences of their everyday life. Regarding historical architectural studies of former residences in Taiwan, most of them are focused on local people. This study takes as its object of study the former residence of“Missionary Mackay”who had a significant influence on northern Taiwan. Mackay was the first missionary sent to a foreign country by the Presbyterian Church of Canada. Arriving in Taiwan in 1871, he was based in Danshui, where he began his preaching career. The existing Mackay mansion in Danshui was the third of his homes. Funded by the Presbyterian Church of Canada in 1875, it was a reverend’s mansion. Even though it has a history of over 140 years it still demonstrates the delicate style of contemporary architecture, and also reflects a foreigner’s concern for a daily life which deals with frequent typhoons, earthquakes, humid weather, high temperatures, and a rainy climate. At that time, Mackay both preached and practiced medicine in the Taipei area as a foreign reverend. His mansions played different roles at different stages in his career. From his writings, records, and description of his home life, this study aims to discover the multiple roles played by Mackay’s mansion, including the first private museum in Taiwan, school accommodation for a seminary, public meeting place, etc., in addition to providing a living space. Of course, it also reveals Mackay’s personal reflection on the lifestyle in Taiwan, conditions of work, living environment, adapting to a new landscape and environment. An examination of the evidence, can not only elucidate the historic value and meaning of Mackay’s mansion in the history of Taiwan’s architecture but also provide further references for the future listing, refurbishing, and reutilization of other historic monuments in Taiwan.
起訖頁 67-90
關鍵詞 馬偕(漢名偕叡理)住所宣教師長老教會淡水(滬尾)Mackay (Chinese name Xie, Rui-li)residencemissionaryPresbyterian ChurchDanshui (Huwei)
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201603 (35期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 臺中市萬和宮金屬鐘研究--試論其所反映的產銷問題
該期刊-下一篇 訪古以開創未來:英國鐵道遺產之路




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