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農業科技研究計畫成果研討會專刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Benefit evaluation of crop-rotation system of organic vegetable production in suburban area
作者 蔣順惠莊國鴻吳安娜顏勝雄李阿嬌
The purpose of this study was constructing crop-rotation system of organic vegetable productionto supply diverse organic vegetable to urban market stably and elevate benefit of organic farm in suburban area.In two year (2014 -2015) project, we designed three crop-rotation models and verified in high-tunnel to mainly produce short-term leafy vegetable. Consideringlabor-saving andsupport of high-tunnel production, we also selected long-term and tolerantvegetables and applied to crop-rotation system at non-house area. In result, the stability and diversity of vegetable supplyof demonstration area were 5.9% and 6.4% higher than check, respectively. The profit was elevated 28% in 2014. Furthermore, we elevated 5-10% efficiency of culturing organic leafy vegetable in high tunnel by applying vigorousseedling with more leaf in bigger plug. In second year, we applied achievementsof first year and effect of crop-rotation on decreasing threaten from seasonal insect pest and disease for increasing productionof Brassicaceae-vegetable which is popular with consumers. Through modification of crop-rotation system of high-tunnel, profit of demonstration area was higher than check and elevated 76%. In addition, we selected long-term and tolerantvegetables such as sponge cucumber, okra, egg plant and carrot at first year and increased kinds of fruity vegetable to completeall the year roundcrop-rotation for non-house area. Theresult showed profit of demonstration area was more than check about 2.48 times and increased diversity of organic vegetable supply.The advantage of producing organic vegetable in suburban is not only beneficial for producerto sale product, but also convenient for consumer to exam the production and interact with farmers. Through crop-rotation system of organic vegetable productionverified in this project, we coordinated production of high-tunnel and non-house area and resulted in all the year round stable and diverse organic vegetable productionfor consumer in urban. In future, this crop-rotation system of organic vegetable production in suburban areawould be important factor to construction of local production for local consumptionand community supported agriculture.
起訖頁 84-99
關鍵詞 都會近郊有機蔬菜輪作社區支持型農業suburbanorganic vegetablerotation croppingCommunity supportedagriculture (CSA)
刊名 農業科技研究計畫成果研討會專刊  
期數 201606 (105期)
出版單位 財團法人中正農業科技社會公益基金會
該期刊-上一篇 溫室栽培對芒果生長之影響及其應用發展之探討
該期刊-下一篇 有機蔬菜生產資訊E化平台開發與應用




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