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The Rhetorical Patterns of Using 'the Female' as A Sign in the Internet Rumors: On the Website of ETTV's 'ETRumors'
作者 孫秀蕙
The present study applies theories of Public Relations (PR) Management, Gender Studies and Rhetorics to the research of the Internet rumors in Taiwan. In response to the theories of rhetorical approaches to PR, the present study systematically collects the Internet rumors, mainly on the website of ETTV's 'ETRumors,' which are related to the female. The present study analyzes the rhetorical patterns of using 'the female' as a sign in the Internet rumors, in order to offer suggestions to PR practitioners while coping with the female-consumer-related Internet rumors. The research findings suggest that PR practitioners pay special attention to the fear of being deprived, which is prevalent among female consumers when they are exposed to the female-related rumors on the Internet. Facing the rumors, PR practitioners should designate their PR plans to achieve the goal that the female consumers will have the feeling of being well taken care of and protected by the corporations.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 女性形象「女性」符號運作公關管理修辭學網路謠言female imagepatterns of 'the female' as a signPR managementrhetoricsrumors on the Internet
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 200507 (24期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-下一篇 海峽兩岸網路廣告中價值觀之比較研究




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