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Proposing an effective learning environment for visual communication design doctoral program in Taiwan
作者 賴建都
自民國八十九年度開始,我國視覺傳達設計教育邁向新的里程碑,國立台灣科技大學與國立雲林科技大學分別成立了設計博士班,九十年度國立交通大學也成立相關領域博士班。放眼視覺傳達設計高等教育的歷史,以美國為例,平面設計(Graphic Design)約在五○年代初期才正式成為一個學術領域,短短半世紀的發展,如今設計教育已融合來自美學、藝術、科學、文化…等各種領域的觀念與理論。本文試圖從高等設計教育理論著眼,並從教育行政、設計史觀與台灣本土特性切入,試圖勾勒出視覺傳達設計博士教育的藍圖。過去有關設計博士教育的文獻,大都從設計理論與設計史直接切入,本文中作者試圖跳出這個框架,以成人教學與教育行政組織中Hoy與Miskel的效率理論為出發,採取質化研究,針對國內設計教育與實務界的焦點訪談暨國外知名教育學者Dr. A. Ross Thomas的深度訪談所得結果,為國內設計博士教育提出新的思考與方向。
Starting from Fall, 2000, both National Yunlin University of Technology Science and National Taiwan University of Technology and Science have established Visual Communication Design doctoral programs. Unlike other fields in the higher education, graphic design has become a field since the 1950s. In the paper, the author attempts to examine this new research field from historical, aesthetic, cultural, administrative, and instructional perspectives. The important view of the paper is to provide a different angle from the theory of school organization and structure. To emphasize the idea of effective learning environment, not only has the graphic design, aesthetics theory needed to be examined, but also the adult instructional methods and school organization are needed to study carefully. Based on Hoy and Miskel's integrated model of organizational effectiveness, the author develops his conception for graphic design higher education in Taiwan.
起訖頁 35-53
關鍵詞 視覺傳達設計平面設計教育行政組織與效率理論Visual communication designgraphic designeducational administrationorganization and effectiveness theory
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 200207 (19期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣廣告學術研究面貌之初探
該期刊-下一篇 廣告主評選廣告代理商執行整合行銷傳播之研究




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