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A Study of Oral History on the Design Education in Taiwan During the years 1960s
作者 賴建都
Higher design education has been developed for forty years in Taiwan. According to previous studies, the original conception of design discipline in Taiwan was developed from Fine Art Department and became a field in 1960s. They included National Normal University, the Department of Fine Arts, Chinese culture University, the program of Art and Craft, National Art College and the program of Commerce promotion, Ming-Chung College. The development of these institutes not only reflected the industry needed a great amount of advertising practitioners to join, but also raised the Art and Craft education up to the university level. The study is framed by Eisner and Kaestle's historical education research methodology using oral history from educators, students and practitioners to draw the picture of 1960s' higher design education. The author interviewed Su, Mau-sheng, Wang, Lien-Teng, Hsieh, Ming-Shung, Chang, Wen-Chung and Yang, Ching-Chao. They described 1960s' design education from different perspectives including teachers' lore, students' lore and design industry's opinions. The conclusions of this study is drawn by following directions: 1. In 1960s, it was the era that shifting traditional design conception into a modern design era 2. Students' portfolio had represented strong influence from Bauhaus' model. 3. Government had played an important role in design education. Seminars and design workshops were hell by CPTC to promote industry design. 4. Practitioners' attitude toward design education.
起訖頁 149-174
關鍵詞 設計教育設計史口述歷史Design educationHistory of design educationOral history
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 200107 (17期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 台北市大專院校學生網際網路使用與網路廣告點閱行為研究
該期刊-下一篇 理論與實務的對話:網路(數位)公關書評




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