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The Humor Effect of Political Portrait in Advertising - A Case Examination in the Election of 1998 Taipei Mayor
作者 蕭湘文
Portrait is a sign. The effect of a portrait sign depends on how the users interpret the portrait. In Taipei City Mayer election of 1998, Bian Family promoted one advertising in which Sun Wen was dressed with the hat of Bian Family. In 1998/11/12, the New Party (NP) members protested against the advertising because they think it demeans Sun Wen. However, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members responded with the answer that the advertising is very creative with humor. The humor of political sign is very subjective. Some supporters feel one sign humorous, while the opponent's supporters feel the same sign uncomfortable. That's why the study is going to examine (1) the humor effect of the advertising; (2) is it proper or not for printing the portrait as the spokesperson of Chen Hsui-Bian?. (3) will different supporters respond differently to the advertising? This study surveyed 422 college students and found that: (1) about 58% of the respondents feel that this advertisement is graphically humorous or very humorous; while only 34% of the respondents feel that it is textually humorous or very humorous. (2) most of the respondents feel it improper for Chen Hsui-Bian to use the portrait of Sun Wen. (3) different supporters respond differently to this advertisement.
起訖頁 65-87
關鍵詞 政治肖像政治競選廣告
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199901 (12期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 政治競選廣告對選民議題設定與預示的效果效究
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣網路花坊廣告策略之現況調查研究




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