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On Major Approaches to Western Public Relations Theories - Competition and Debates of Theorical Paradigms in 1990s
作者 黃懿慧
This paper addresses the following critical issues in public This paper addresses the following critical issues in public relations theories: a) What are the major approaches to western public relations theories? b) What are the main theoretical assumptions and assertions in each approach? c) What are the major contributions and critical controversies surrounding these approaches? And, d) What are the prospects of public relations theories for the future? Three major approaches to public relations theories are discussed in this paper: the management perspective, the rhetorical perspective, and the integrated-marketing-communication perspective. The management perspective, assuming a symmetric worldview, defines the role of public relations in society from an idealistic and normative point of view. Scholars in this perspective advocate that public relations must be a management function and that public relations should contribute to the public interest and to social responsibility. Grunig and other scholars suggested that public relations must be involved in the strategic manage- ment of the total organization and should manage its own programs strategically for the function to contribute to organizational effectiveness. In this perspective, public relations is regarded as including the functions of dissemination of information, resolution of conflict, pro- motion of mutual understanding, and contributing to informed debate about issues in society. Scholars adopting rhetorical the perspective advocate that public relations be regarded as organizations' rhetors to communicate with their key audiences. The function of public relations is identified as the formation of symbols and ideologies to influence society and individuals. Through open contest of ideas, the costs and interests of the contending parties in an issue are negotiated. In essence, public relations is assumed to perform a conservative and pragmatic social role in this perspective. The perspective of integrated marketing communication (IMC) underlies the commercial practice of public relations and typically allies it with marketing objectives. Public relations is identified as performing a pragmatic social role. In other words, the evaluation of effectiveness of public relations is based on how much public relations contributes to the bottom line of an organization. This paper suggests several directions for public relations research in the future: the measurement of organization-public relationships, the implications of technologies in public relations, global public relations, critical approaches to public relations, conflict resolution, and the interaction between mass media and public relations.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 公共關係理論學派
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199901 (12期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-下一篇 政治競選廣告對選民議題設定與預示的效果效究




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