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The Characterization of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell with Photoelectrode Modified by TiO2/GO/Ag Nanofibers at Low Light Intensity
The Characterization of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell with Photoelectrode Modified by TiO2/GO/Ag Nanofibers at Low Light Intensity
作者 Yu-Hsun Nien (Yu-Hsun Nien)Huang-Hua Chen (Huang-Hua Chen)Zhen-Rong Yong (Zhen-Rong Yong)Hui-Hsuan Hsu (Hui-Hsuan Hsu)Manjunath Rangasamy (Manjunath Rangasamy)Geng-Ming Hu (Geng-Ming Hu)Po-Yu Kuo (Po-Yu Kuo)Jung-Chuan Chou (Jung-Chuan Chou)Chih-Hsien Lai (Chih-Hsien Lai)Cheng-Chu Ko (Cheng-Chu Ko)Jun-Xiang Chang (Jun-Xiang Chang)
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanofibers (NF) including graphene oxide (GO) and silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs) were preparedusing the sol-gel method and electrospin technique. The photovoltaic conversion efficiency (η) of the modified dye-sensitizedsolar cell (DSSC) with TiO2/GO/Ag nanofibers on the photoelectrode was measured under various low light intensities. Theincorporation of GO and Ag nanoparticles led to rapid electron transport and a reduced incidence of electron recombination. Thesynthesized TiO2/GO/Ag nanofibers had a large specific surface area and high porosity that promoted dye absorption at thephotoanode. Theηof the TGAP modified photoelectrode was 34% higher than that of a standard DSSC photoelectrode. Thisstudy showed that the highestηfor the TGAP modified photoelectrode was 6.56% which occurred at 30 mW/cm2, this wasattributed to the decreased electron recombination under those low light conditions.
起訖頁 23-26
關鍵詞 Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)ElectrospinningNanofiberLow Illumination
刊名 創新科技期刊  
期數 202103 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 The Co-adsorbent Effects of Nicotinic Acid and 1-Ethyl-3-Carboxypyridinium Iodide on the Performance of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells under Indoor Light Condition
該期刊-下一篇 Performance of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Based on AZO/TiO2 Photoelectrode and RGO TiO2/Pt Counter Electrode




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