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The Difference of Image Evaluation between Visual and Tactile Sensation
作者 陳勇廷莊明振
不同的感官在與產品的互動上各有優勢與差異,其中尤以視覺與觸覺的功用與角色越來越受到重視。因此,視、觸覺各自在意象判斷上有什麼作用與影響,值得深入瞭解。本研究針對此議題以同一組評估量尺的意象詞彙,進行視覺與觸覺意象的語意差異(semantic differential)評估,以此探討兩種感官在對應意象上的關連性。本研究以兩個階段進行調查,首先實行11位設計專家的深入訪談,要求其列舉與說明顯著之設計風格及其代表性產品,以獲得視覺、觸覺的刺激樣本以及評估用的意象量尺。其中整理出具代表性的當代設計作品共35項,作為視覺評估的樣本;37項具有不同物理特徵的材料,做為觸覺材質樣本;總結出視覺、觸覺與心理三個向度,共21對的對立形容詞對作為評估量尺的意象詞彙。第二階段,請 30位受測者針對上述刺激在21組意象詞彙的感受,進行七點量表的語意差異評估。針對語意差異評估結果,本研究分別進行視覺及觸覺意象評估的因子分析,以獲得兩種感官感覺的因子架構。結果顯示,視覺與觸覺意象評估都各可獲得四個因子,進一步比較兩因子分析結果的因子構成,也發現兩種感官之間的評估有明顯的一致性。接著,由兩因子構成的相關性矩陣,研究則歸結出視覺與觸覺在各意象詞彙間的關聯性與差異性。本研究的結果在設計實務應用上,可以作為設計師在設計產品以傳達視覺與觸覺意象的參考。在研究上,可以做為未來在感官意象的研究的參考依據,特別是聯覺方面的研究。
Every human sense has its own specialty and advantages in human-product interaction, especially tactile and vision play a very important role in this situation. Therefore, it is worth to know that the role and impact of human sense of vision and tactile when judging an image of product. In this 2-stage study we compared visual and tactile images with the same set of image scales to reveal the correlations and distinctiveness of these two primary modalities in judging product images. In the first stage of the study, we conducted interview on 11 design experts by asking them to descript and list the notably contemporary design styles and their representative products. From this interview we summarized 35 products of varied styles as visual stimulus and 37 materials as tactile stimulus for further semantic differential evaluation of image. We also concluded a set of 21 opposite adjective pairs as image vocabularies for the evaluation. In the second stage, 30 subjects were recruited to give a 7-point semantic differential evaluation on the images the 35 visual and 37 tactile stimuli by using the scale of the 21 image vocabularies. Through factor analysis, we found that four factors could be extracted from the 21 image vocabularies for both of the two modalities. Further comparing the composition of resulted factors of these two evaluations, this study found there was obvious consistency between the two senses on images assessment. Then, through the concluded corresponding matrix of visual and tactile factors, we identified the association and difference between visual and tactile evaluations on images. The results of this study can help designer to design products with appropriate sensory images, while it can also help researchers to further understand the synesthesia between tactile and vision and to treat it as a useful reference for relative studies
起訖頁 4-27
關鍵詞 感性工學意象評估感官差異語意差異法因子構成視、觸覺因子相關矩陣Kansei engineeringsensory difference on image evaluationsemantic differentialfactor compositioncoresponding matrix of visual and tactile factors
刊名 感性學報  
期數 201407 (2:2期)
出版單位 臺灣感性學會
該期刊-下一篇 應用TRIZ理論進行檸檬取汁器設計改善




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