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Kansei Study on Paper-Taking Writing and Printing Paper as Examples
作者 呂佳蓓陳國祥
Paper is commonly used in our daily life. It plays important roles in many aspects of life. However, there are only a few studies related to paper. Hence, this study tried to construct the perceptual images of writing and printing paper. As there are numerous categories of paper, this study limited the scope to the most frequently used kinds of paper for printing industry. This study adopted Kansei Engineering method to explore the relationships between paper and the people’s emotion. Three Kansei words and 24 paper samples were used in the experiment. 30 participants were asked to measure the intensity level of feeling for sense of touch, sense of sight and sense of touch & sight toward the 3 Kansei words against each sample during the experiments. The results of this study, hopefully, can serve as references to the paper industry and printing industry, as well as books designers.
起訖頁 84-103
關鍵詞 感性工學印刷用紙視覺觸覺視觸覺Kansei Engineeringwriting and printing papersense of sightsense of touchsense of sight & touch
刊名 感性學報  
期數 201307 (1:2期)
出版單位 臺灣感性學會
該期刊-上一篇 脈絡地圖法於感性設計探討:以飲食習慣改變之勸誘科技開發為例
該期刊-下一篇 視覺與產品設計師的想像力個人特質差異之研究




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