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Research into the Enchanted Color Design and P3b
作者 王韋堯陳盈君
現今商業活動中,體驗導向的零售賣場常運用色彩設計,吸引消費者注意,影響消費者喜愛、期待程度及購物決策。近期研究發現,P3b與工作記憶更新、較少見刺激物之驚奇回應、目標物區辨及適當地反應環境之心理模式改變機制相關。在本研究中,我們探討頂葉區域上電極點之色彩注意力變化過程及影響,並提出在最常見之 3 種色彩配色中,其愈大色彩配色角度(180度:互補 - 紅 / 綠),會引起愈大 P3b 振幅,是 3 者中較能引起注意力、情緒,甚至形成記憶之色彩配色設計。本研究結果清楚地呈現色彩與 P3b 振幅及大腦區域活化情形,並對於色彩設計研究之跨領域發展有所助益。
In today's business activities, experience-oriented retail marketplaces apply color design to draw consumers’ attention, affect their degree of preference ,expectation and purchase decisions. Recent studies show that P3b has a connection with work memory update, novelties, target detection, and change mechanism of psychological model for environment. This study is focused on the change processes of attention to colors for the electrodes over the parietal area, and offers the result that the greatest degree of the color scheme angle (180 degrees:complementary color scheme : red/green) , the largest P3b amplitude causes, which attracts most attention and forms most working memory among the three types of color scheme design. The result of this study clearly shows the P3b amplitude of attention caused by colors and the details of brain activation. We expect it will make a contribution to the studies of color design for interdisciplinary development.
起訖頁 64-79
關鍵詞 色彩配色角度注意力情緒P300P3b color scheme angleattentionemotionP300P3b
刊名 感性學報  
期數 201303 (1:1期)
出版單位 臺灣感性學會
該期刊-上一篇 以榨汁機的使用來探討前期產品經驗中感官之重要度
該期刊-下一篇 性別基模探討產品喜好與心理距離之研究




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