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A Study on Tactile Image of Products -- Using Handleless Cups as a Case Study
作者 莊明振陳勇廷張耀仁
本研究目的在探討人們對產品觸覺意象感受的因素,及影響各因素的造形特徵要素,並建構不同觸覺意象產品的風格類型。研究以26 個握杯12 組形容進行SD 調查,受測者共30 人,男女各半,皆為設計研究生。以因素分析獲得三種主要的觸覺意象因子:外顯性因子、親和性因子與量感價值因子。之後配合產品的物理特徵分析,以相關分析獲得意象因子與特徵的相關性並加以分類。其中影響外顯性因子的特徵為凹凸落差,程度越大裝飾性越強;影響親和性因子的是導熱性與平滑度,越溫暖、粗糙,則親和性越強;影響量感價值因子的為剛性強度,越堅硬量感價值越強。最終以K-means 集群分析發現人們對產品的觸覺意象風格類型分別為:高價值感風格、裝飾風格、樸實風格、溫厚風格,以及無明顯風格特徵等五種。本研究之結果可作為日後相關研究的基礎,同時也可協助企業與設計師,進行合適的產品觸覺設計。
The aim of this study is to investigate the main factors of tactile image felt on a product and which form properties will influence these tactile image factors, then, to classify products into different tactile image styles. Thirty subjects (15 males and 15 females, and all of them are master students of design) were recruited in this study to make the semantic differential evaluation with 12 image word pairs on 26 cups. Factor analysis was conducted on the collected data to reveal three main factors of tactile image of products, which are decorative factor, affinitive factor and quantity factor. The relation between factors and form features of cups was examined by correlation analyses. It was found that the external factor was affected by the feature of bump and gap of cup; the affinitive factor was affected by the feature of smoothness and temperature of cup; the quantity factor was affected by the feature of rigidity of cup. Finally, we categorize five tactile-image styles by using cluster analyses (K-means) which are decorative, quantity, simple, gentle and none image styles. The results of this study can help designers to design products with demanded style of tactile image.
起訖頁 28-45
關鍵詞 感性工學觸覺意象造形特徵因素分析SD調查Kansei engineeringtactile imageform featurefactor analysissemantic differential evaluation
刊名 感性學報  
期數 201303 (1:1期)
出版單位 臺灣感性學會
該期刊-上一篇 創意生活產業感性場域與感質商品之體驗──The One南園之個案研究
該期刊-下一篇 以榨汁機的使用來探討前期產品經驗中感官之重要度




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