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An Analysis of Electronic Prepress Designing Market in Taiwan
作者 賴建都
台灣地區近年來隨著工商業蓬勃發展,設計從業人口增加很多,依據行政院主計處民國八十二年普查報告,全年度的營業收入約為89億,支出為81億,整體行業利潤率約為8.1%,在競爭劇烈、獲利不高的情況下,設計業該如何因應?本文旨在探討電腦印前設計在國內現階段發展情況,從DTP(Desktop Publishing)概念誕生、數位式影像(Digital Imaging)到完整的電腦印前作業系統,對其基本概念與發展方式,都有詳細介紹解說,以協助暸解論文後段之實務界暨學術界發展中情形。研究過程中發現國內業界針對電腦化問題已開始重視,並結合學術界開始展開推廣,但由於起步較晚,相較鄰近國家或美國,尚有許多不足的地方,值得吾人改進與效法。面對一波波科技帶來的街擊與轉變,設計者專業的角色,從過去的模糊不清轉變為受肯定的過程,許多原有的人文素養與美學觀,應該也繼續傳承維持下去。
The graphic design market has growing for the blooming economy of Taiwan, from the survey of the Auditing Department of Executive Yuan, the totally income of the whoel business was 8.9 bi11ion, and the totally exapnd was 8.1 bi11ion in 1993. The profits of designing market was as low as 8.1 percentage. What should they do for the future? The purpose of the research was trying to analyze the development of electronic prepress design market in Taiwan. From the beginning of desktop publishing, digital imaging to the electronic prepress system, the research had c1early description, therefor it would be help for understanding the developing precesses in both pratical market and education. The research had found comparing to the neighborhood countries, computerized concept had not been accepted completely. Fom the impact of technology, the designer would face more challenge in the future. It is important for both professinal skill and aesthetcis.
起訖頁 129-152
關鍵詞 電腦印前設計
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199607 (8期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 學院式廣告教育的省思--一個專業性取向
該期刊-下一篇 公關人員與媒體之間的互動模式對於議題管理策略的啟示--以非營利性的弱勢團體為例




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