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A Research of Situational Theory and Enterprise Public Relations-An Instance of Kaohsuing Hou-ching District
作者 賀權修
過去企業進行公關活動時,總以大眾為目標,未能昆隔公眾,效果往往不彰。本文基於美國學者古魯尼(Grunig)提出之情境理論(situationaltheory),能有效區隔公眾。因此以後勁居民對中油五輕廠的認知、態度、行為進行理論檢驗,區分四種不同類型公眾,目的在找出行動型公眾的特質、傳播行為,最後提出政策性公關策略以供企業參考。本文是以社會調查法分析研究問題,研究樣本共320名,經使用區別分析(discriminant analysis)後,主要研究結果如下:(1)情境理論能有效區別出行動公眾與其他公眾不同特質。(2)目前後勁地區,行動公眾有五成五左右,同時潛在型公眾消失,顯示中油高廠必須精進公關措施,以免再發生抗議活動。(3)情境理論在特定議題的末期(曾有實際抗爭行動),區分不同類型公眾效力,會有顯著不同。
The enterprise was used to focus on the public to proceed public activities in the past. However, the results were ineffective because that they did not discriminate the public. This writing is based on the situational theory supported by J ames Grunig an American scholar who discriminates the publics effectively. Therefore, according to the Hou-ching residents' recognitions, attitudes and behaviors to the Chinese Petroleum Cor, we can divide the publics into four different types. The puprposes of the writing try to find out the characteristics, communicative behaviors of active publics and eventually the enterprise may take these public-relation policies into consideration. The writing analyzed problems in a social survey research method. There were 320 examples. The results applied by discriminant analysis are as the following. (l)Situational theory can effectively discriminate the different characteristics between active publics and other publics. (2)A fifty-five percentage of the active publics exist in the district of Houching now. Meanwhi1e, the disappearance of latent publics shows that Kaohsuing Refinery should improve public-re-lation measures to prevent the occurrence of protest activities. (3)If situational theory were applied in the end of specific issues (used to have happened in practical protest activities), the effects of different publics w:ould be definitely different.
起訖頁 203-242
關鍵詞 企業公關後勁地區高雄情境理論
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199501 (5期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 公關理論中的「雙向對等性溝通模式」再省思
該期刊-下一篇 評Roger Von Oech背後踢一腳:腸枯思竭後的創意思考法




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