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Strategic Analysis of Advertising Emotional Appeals Strategy
作者 祝鳳岡
廣告感性的運用,會影響廣告之品質以及廣告效果。一個良好之「廣告」它必須擁有充分而妥適的廣告感性,它才能真正的打動人心。本研究的目的有二:一是喚起廣告學術與廣告業者對「廣告感性訴求」的重視。另外就是希望對「廣告感性訴求策略」作一完整之系統分析。本研究希望能對「廣告感性訴求策略」作一深度分析:技術而言,本研究使用「策略分析」技巧,來分析探討廣告感性訴求策略的形成過程;同時亦用分類解構的觀點(Typology Decomposition Aspect)來探視廣告感性訴求之內涵。經由過程分析、內容分析,我們方可以導引出來一個最適「廣告感性訴求策略」。有了最適之「廣告感性訴求策略,我們才可冀望一個「成功」廣告的誕生。畢竟,妥迪之廣告感性是成功廣告不可或缺的一個關鍵因素O本研究之主要內容將包括廣告訴求的基本意義、文獻探討、廣告感性訴求策略之內容分析與過程分析、以及廣告感性訴求效果評估。在最後的結論與建議中,本文作了三個結論與四個建議並且提供「感性運用檢核表」以作為「廣告感性」設計與執行之有用的參考指針。
The degree of the use of advertising emotion is a factor to influence the advertising guality and effectiveness. One of the important characteristics of an excellent advertising campaign is that the advertising should incorporate an appropriate emotion and it always leads to profoundly impress the audience. There are two objectives in this study. The first objective is to c1arify the importance of the advertising emotion. The other objective is to provide a systematic analysis for advertising emotional appeals strategy. The study expects to conduct an in-depth analysis on advertising emotional appeals strategy. Technically speaking, the study uti1ize the strategic analysis technigue to examine the formulating process of advertising emotional appeals strategy. At the same time, the study also use a Typology Decomposition approach to identify the content of advertising emotional appeals strategy. Through the process analysis and content analysis, we can derive an optimal advertising emotional appeals strategy. As we reach the optimal state of advertising emotional appeals strategy, we have sufficient reason to look forward to a successful advertising campaign. However, an appropriate advertising emotion inc1uded in an advertising campaign is a crucial factor to the success of advertising. The stuey consists of advertising emotions definition, literature review, process analysis and content analysis, and evaluation of advertising emotional appeals. The stuey provides conc1usions and recommendations as a base for the future research of advertising emotional appeals strategy.
起訖頁 85-112
關鍵詞 廣告感性訴求策略
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199501 (5期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 候選人電視辯論訊息策略及其效果之研究
該期刊-下一篇 自動性廣告效果




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