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On the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Public Relations Model
作者 陳蕙芬吳靜吉臧國仁 (Kuo-Jen Tsang)
本文是一份實證研究報告,研究目的在於瞭解組織公共關係行為模式與組織文化相關聯的情形。全文分兩步驟進行:首先依美國學者古魯尼與杭特(Gruning & Hunt,1984)所發展的公關四模式量表,將十二家國內企業組織依四模式運作特性區分為三種類型群,分別是:偏媒體宣傳模式群、偏雙向不對稱模式群和偏雙向對稱模式群。第二步驟是在三群中各找一家組織代表該公關行為模式(共計三家),並依丁虹(民七十六年)發展的問卷,測度其企業文化。本研究所使用的統計方法包括集群分析,單因子變異數分析,F考驗,t考驗,雪費事後檢定等。主要的研究結果如下:一、各公關模式組織與組織文化各有其特性:代表媒體宣傳模式的公司,其組織文化的特性是,較偏向傳統式權威管理,不太重視個人生活和經驗。代表雙向不對稱模式的公司,其組織文化的特性是,重視「具理想、務實際」的價值觀,偏向團隊參與式的管理方式,並不贊成要順從主管觀點。代表雙向對稱模式的公司,其組織文化的特性是,偏向團隊參與式管理,重視「具理想、務實際」和「就事論事、追求創新」的精神,不贊成要順從主管觀點。二、由以上敘述可知,公關模式與組織文化間似存有相關性,即組織文化的活潑與否,似乎決定組織公關行為究竟是較保守或較採雙向模式。
The is an empirical research report. The purpose is to understand hon public relations models relate to organizational culture. The research went as following: first, we grouped there Public Relations Models from twelve local business organizations according to Public Relations four Models Scale developed by Grunig & Hunt in 1984. The second is to survey the organizational culture style of three business organizations selected from each public relations model group according to the organizational culture questionary developed by Ding Hon in 1987. The statistics methord used here included cluster abalysis, One-way ANOVA, F test and Sheffe's test. The main results as following: 1.Each organization represented for each PR model has tis cultrue's characteristics: (1)The organization representative for 'Press/Publicity Model' prefers traditional authority managerial style 'more than' respecting for individuals'. (2)The organization representative for 'Two-way asymmetry model' values 'ideal and practical styles' and prefer 'team-work and participation', but doesn't agree to 'submit to the boss'. (3)The organization representative for 'Two-Way Symmetry model' prefer 'team work and participation' ideal and practical styles' and 'task-oriented and innovation' but not agree to 'submit to the boss'. 2. In conclusion, the relationship between organizational culture and public relations model seems to tell us: the flexibility of organizational culture decides the organizational public relations model.
起訖頁 71-91
關鍵詞 公關文化行為相關性組織
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199407 (4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 電視廣告議題設定效果之初探
該期刊-下一篇 國際比較廣告規範之研究




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